Now, that the rainy season has started, I wonder what the excuse will be given for lack of water in our pipes and taps? For usually it's the non-availability (no rains!), that is given as an excuse by our water officials.
As mentioned in my last 'reminder', the unhygienic conditions prevailing have got worse, due to the rains though they have started a bit late and not as much as usual, thanks to the world's climate changing patterns.
Just in our estate, there is an over-flowing garbage bin left by the Council and which is attracting glue sniffing street 'kids', as well as the usual pests of flies, mosquitoes, etc. And now that the neighbourhood kids are home for the holidays, they, too, of course, are playing around there thanks to lack of available space.
This is mainly thanks to our avaricious Council which has over the years 'allocated' council land to private developers and one gets the impression that 'officialdom' has a great dislike for wide open green spaces! Is this also the reason that a few years ago, our questionable neighbourhood resident Councillor, Mr. Kushe, was responsible for cutting down the one remaining Neem tree, left, to give shade and make the place look nice?
And it's also probably due to this that our water problems have got worse than would have been the case. Water pipes have been connected to the same old previous ones to supply these questionable structures with much needed water. One of these, happen to be none other than the 'honourable' MP for Kisauni, Mr. Joho! See, how these politicians are self serving in the extreme, instead of serving the people whom they are supposed to represent?
When will our the whole town's (not just this neighbourhood), water problems end, if ever?

Most of the postings are to do with what an average Kenyan citizen has to deal with, in the country, to survive. They go through and are treated with a lot of injustice, where very few in 'officialdom', will take notice of their problems or even do anything about them. Hence, this blog and the belief in, 'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshipers' - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
- Power Problems (151)
- Noise issues (100)
- Interesting Stuff (95)
- Water Matters (86)
- Our questionable Council (59)
- Islam - the TRUTH (48)
- Islam and Morals (46)
- Comparative religion....and atheism (39)
- Trees and the Environment (38)
- Human Rights (37)
- services... (29)
- In Praise of the Holy Prophet of Islam (23)
- Ugly roads.... (23)
- Kenyan Politics... (17)
- Religion and Science (17)
- Safety first.. (17)
- Telkom Kenya (16)
- Funny (15)
- Islam and the Equality of MAN (13)
- Kenyan Police (13)
- Kenyan Politics...and Politicians (13)
- Hospitals and Medicines (12)
- Postal Services (12)
- Fanaticism (9)
- Religious Freedom (9)
- Environment (8)
- Disability Issues... (7)
- Food (7)
- Our questionable County (7)
- Health in your hands.. (6)
- Islamic Banking - a system based on JUSTICE... (6)
- Our so-called e-govt. (5)
- Rights of Women (5)
- THIS is JUSTICE! (5)
- The Holy Qur'an (4)
- Creativity Unlimited.... (3)
- Freedom of Speech... (3)
- Affordable housing (2)
- Forgiveness... (2)
- Interesting History... (2)
- The Pope and Christianity (2)
- Banking (1)
- Islamic Finance (1)
- Jambojet (1)
- NHIF (1)
- Our Mobile (cell-phone) (1)
- Yes (1)
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Religious and incessant other noise - the 14th reminder
The racket at MWA Hall started at 12.30 pm as expected and the irony is that despite sending these emails to the various people concerned with these noises (religious type), nobody is taking any action.
And despite there being a law regarding noise making - irrespective of whether it's religious or otherwise, and which should be applied immediately by NEMA, I wonder what the reason for their (NEMA), continued existence, is? They are acting like our parasite like politicians, i.e. not worth the salary they are paid at the tax payer's expense.
Of late, I've offered a number of alternative solutions to this continued pesty behaviour but, that too has completely by-passed these people's attention and I suspect, has not even penetrated their brains.
The mosques, too, continue their noisy prayers despite this email being sent to the head of the Council of Imams and Preachers, Shk. Muhammad Dor. I would suggest to him that he gets somebody who understands English to read them out to him and he listen with an objective and humble mind with the Qur'an and the Sunnah in mind.
Do these people really believe in a God and the hereafter? I very much doubt it!
And despite there being a law regarding noise making - irrespective of whether it's religious or otherwise, and which should be applied immediately by NEMA, I wonder what the reason for their (NEMA), continued existence, is? They are acting like our parasite like politicians, i.e. not worth the salary they are paid at the tax payer's expense.
Of late, I've offered a number of alternative solutions to this continued pesty behaviour but, that too has completely by-passed these people's attention and I suspect, has not even penetrated their brains.
The mosques, too, continue their noisy prayers despite this email being sent to the head of the Council of Imams and Preachers, Shk. Muhammad Dor. I would suggest to him that he gets somebody who understands English to read them out to him and he listen with an objective and humble mind with the Qur'an and the Sunnah in mind.
Do these people really believe in a God and the hereafter? I very much doubt it!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Religious and incessant other noise - the 13th reminder
It seems that every single day, this place has to suffer from some kind of noise pollution. Over the weekdays, it's the neighbourhood church and mosque. For example, the church which hires MWA Hall every single weekday over the lunch hours, was it's usual very noisy self. After enduring this racket from 12.30 pm onwards till 2.00 pm, some semblance of quiet returned but, again, just now, a little after 5.00 pm, they have returned to sing and play their instruments..... LOUDLY!
Of course, the mosque adds to this persistent din 5 times a day, which is totally unnecessary. The Imam should only be heard within the walls of his mosque when leading prayers as it's totally invalid for him to lead the others outside, and for them to follow, in case, they should want to. So, why can't these mosques have their speakers fitted inside rather than inside?
These people are making pests of themselves and giving people unnecessary headaches!
elijah Agevi wrote at 6:44 AM:
Of course, the mosque adds to this persistent din 5 times a day, which is totally unnecessary. The Imam should only be heard within the walls of his mosque when leading prayers as it's totally invalid for him to lead the others outside, and for them to follow, in case, they should want to. So, why can't these mosques have their speakers fitted inside rather than inside?
These people are making pests of themselves and giving people unnecessary headaches!
elijah Agevi wrote at 6:44 AM:
Asante Raziya for your noble crusade and let's hope that one day someone will hear you OUT and address all these very obvious and annoying things. Have a peaceful week. Elijah.
On Sun, April 27, 2008 1:01 pm, Raziya wrote:Hi, Elijah! Even as I reply you, my frequent calls to the cops have been ignored and the 'pastor', if one can call such an unmerciful person, so, has reached record decibels in giving his sermons and their gospel music, too. One gets the impression that he is either very annoyed with God (Astaghfirullah), and or is scolding his congregation for the past couple of HOURS!!! Re, NEMA - their laws and regulations seem to be applied selectively. Only 'rich' neighbourhoods get attention from them, not, the average ones or the poor. As you will have noticed, I send these emails to them, too, but, nobody from NEMA has paid any attention to them. Our suffering is not valid, it seems. Therefore, like the water 'reminders', I've started doing the same regarding the noise around us. Let us see, how many reminders it will take, if at all, for 'officialdom' to walk their talk!
elijah Agevi wrote at 12:15 PM:Hello Raziya,
We fully understand and share your frustration. I gather that NEMA has recently established new sound regulations and have indeed acquired the necessary equipment! Could these be used? Can NEMA help? One would imagine that this is squarely is in the court of NEMA? Please keep on the just war on injustices of all kinds in our society. '
On Sun, April 27, 2008 11:47 am, Raziya wrote:'Morning!
This weekend, it seems that the patients at the two neighbourhood hospitals and the residents are not supposed to rest! The four churches around us are, at present, making loud noises of what they would call 'gospel music', variety. Of course, the one mosque here, will also join in their racket comes time for midday prayers.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Terrible noise..... all the time - day and night, the 12th reminder....
Our whole weekend which is supposed to be spent in rest and quiet has been shattered, yet again. There is a very loud function, probably a wedding, taking place at the MWA Hall.
When I called the emergency police number from my mobile, 112, the response was that they are very busy and that they don't even have time to listen and that I should call later. Then, I heard somebody's voice telling the guy on the phone to tell me that they are sending somebody over. This, I very much suspect was to get rid of me and no such thing is going to happen and we will again, have to put up with the latest noise half the night!
At the same time the the imam at the mosque is also leading his loud prayers. What kind of people are these?
All this is happening because there is nothing like town planning being applied by our local authorities, though, they have such a department. They seem to be there just for show and getting a salary for doing nothing or even downright, breaking their own by-laws.
If these people did any work, they wouldn't have allocated road reserves to questionable people to park trucks, tractors, etc., build mosques, put up a church within the grounds of this MWA Hall and right next to the ICU wing of Aga Khan Hospital, etc. Then, when people went to hold a function, whomever they go to for a permit to hold these loud and rowdy functions, they (the permit giver/s), would THINK about the level of noise they were going to emit as well as take into consideration what and who is in the immediate vicinity. After this, they would monitor the noise level, at this function.
None of the above is being done! And hence, these continuous 'reminders'!
Will we ever know any peace?
When I called the emergency police number from my mobile, 112, the response was that they are very busy and that they don't even have time to listen and that I should call later. Then, I heard somebody's voice telling the guy on the phone to tell me that they are sending somebody over. This, I very much suspect was to get rid of me and no such thing is going to happen and we will again, have to put up with the latest noise half the night!
At the same time the the imam at the mosque is also leading his loud prayers. What kind of people are these?
All this is happening because there is nothing like town planning being applied by our local authorities, though, they have such a department. They seem to be there just for show and getting a salary for doing nothing or even downright, breaking their own by-laws.
If these people did any work, they wouldn't have allocated road reserves to questionable people to park trucks, tractors, etc., build mosques, put up a church within the grounds of this MWA Hall and right next to the ICU wing of Aga Khan Hospital, etc. Then, when people went to hold a function, whomever they go to for a permit to hold these loud and rowdy functions, they (the permit giver/s), would THINK about the level of noise they were going to emit as well as take into consideration what and who is in the immediate vicinity. After this, they would monitor the noise level, at this function.
None of the above is being done! And hence, these continuous 'reminders'!
Will we ever know any peace?
Re: Religious and incessant other noise - the 11th reminder
Hi, Elijah!
Even as I reply you, my frequent calls to the cops have been ignored and the 'pastor', if one can call such an unmerciful person, so, has reached record decibels in giving his sermons and their gospel music, too. One gets the impression that he is either very annoyed with God (Astaghfirullah), and or is scolding his congregation for the past couple of HOURS!!!
Re, NEMA - their laws and regulations seem to be applied selectively. Only 'rich' neighbourhoods get attention from them, not, the average ones or the poor.
As you will have noticed, I send these emails to them, too, but, nobody from NEMA has paid any attention to them. Our suffering is not valid, it seems.
Therefore, like the water 'reminders', I've started doing the same regarding the noise around us. Let us see, how many reminders it will take, if at all, for 'officialdom' to walk their talk!
elijah Agevi wrote at 12:15 PM:
Even as I reply you, my frequent calls to the cops have been ignored and the 'pastor', if one can call such an unmerciful person, so, has reached record decibels in giving his sermons and their gospel music, too. One gets the impression that he is either very annoyed with God (Astaghfirullah), and or is scolding his congregation for the past couple of HOURS!!!
Re, NEMA - their laws and regulations seem to be applied selectively. Only 'rich' neighbourhoods get attention from them, not, the average ones or the poor.
As you will have noticed, I send these emails to them, too, but, nobody from NEMA has paid any attention to them. Our suffering is not valid, it seems.
Therefore, like the water 'reminders', I've started doing the same regarding the noise around us. Let us see, how many reminders it will take, if at all, for 'officialdom' to walk their talk!
elijah Agevi wrote at 12:15 PM:
Hello Raziya, We fully understand and share your frustration. I gather that NEMA has recently established new sound regulations and have indeed acquired the necessary equipment! Could these be used? Can NEMA help? One would imagine that this is squarely is in the court of NEMA? Please keep on the just war on injustices of all kinds in our society. Elijah
On Sun, April 27, 2008 11:47 am, Raziya wrote:'Morning! This weekend, it seems that the patients at the two neighbourhood hospitals and the residents are not supposed to rest! The four churches around us are, at present, making loud noises of what they would call 'gospel music', variety. Of course, the one mosque here, will also join in their racket comes time for midday prayers. In fact, if you've noticed, I've been writing every single day since Friday, about the noise issue. Yesterday, it was twice in a day! Why? Because, all the officialdom I write to, seems to be suffering from a collective deafness. Could it be due to the excessive noise in our midst? Their ears and by extension their brains have quit working? I was mentioning this awful noise making in the middle of residential areas and near hospitals to a police officer, recently, and their attitude towards it. He completely agreed with me about the noise being a nuisance and that there was no cause for these people to be heard outside of their current places, i.e. where they are holding these functions. Be they religious or otherwise, as happened yesterday at at the Aga Khan School grounds and every weekend in our area at the MWA Hall. But, he told me that some of the officers can't seem to separate themselves from the noise when it comes to noisy issues of the religious kind. They seem to be under the impression that they will be cursed if they stop them! For all these people's information, my request is not to stop these people from worshiping for I, too, do so. The only thing I ask is for them to worship in a manner that will not disturb others around. After all God/Allah is definitely NOT DEAF, Astaghfirullah! He can hear our innermost prayers, more so when they are done in a quiet dignified manner. Not in the way they are doing at present which raises the ire of the people around them. In fact, they are most likely being cursed by the patients next door and the residents (I am one of them), whom they disturb without let. One example of 'civilized' services is the Catholic Church. One will not be able to hear them worshiping outside their doors. And that place is big, yet, they manage to NOT make pests of themselves and still worship? It was only once in recent memory that I heard, for nearly a week, some kind of loud promotion going on within the church grounds. But, since then, it's very quiet, mercifully. Do these people, both Muslim and Christian need to be told this like little wayward children every other day?
Religious and incessant other noise - the 11th reminder
This weekend, it seems that the patients at the two neighbourhood hospitals and the residents are not supposed to rest! The four churches around us are, at present, making loud noises of what they would call 'gospel music', variety. Of course, the one mosque here, will also join in their racket comes time for midday prayers.
In fact, if you've noticed, I've been writing every single day since Friday, about the noise issue. Yesterday, it was twice in a day! Why? Because, all the officialdom I write to, seems to be suffering from a collective deafness. Could it be due to the excessive noise in our midst? Their ears and by extension their brains have quit working?
I was mentioning this awful noise making in the middle of residential areas and near hospitals to a police officer, recently, and their attitude towards it. He completely agreed with me about the noise being a nuisance and that there was no cause for these people to be heard outside of their current places, i.e. where they are holding these functions. Be they religious or otherwise, as happened yesterday at at the Aga Khan School grounds and every weekend in our area at the MWA Hall. But, he told me that some of the officers can't seem to separate themselves from the noise when it comes to noisy issues of the religious kind. They seem to be under the impression that they will be cursed if they stop them!
For all these people's information, my request is not to stop these people from worshiping for I, too, do so. The only thing I ask is for them to worship in a manner that will not disturb others around. After all God/Allah is definitely NOT DEAF, Astaghfirullah! He can hear our innermost prayers, more so when they are done in a quiet dignified manner. Not in the way they are doing at present which raises the ire of the people around them. In fact, they are most likely being cursed by the patients next door and the residents (I am one of them), whom they disturb without let.
One example of 'civilized' services is the Catholic Church. One will not be able to hear them worshiping outside their doors. And that place is big, yet, they manage to NOT make pests of themselves and still worship? It was only once in recent memory that I heard, for nearly a week, some kind of loud promotion going on within the church grounds. But, since then, it's very quiet, mercifully.
Do these people, both Muslim and Christian need to be told this like little wayward children every other day?
In fact, if you've noticed, I've been writing every single day since Friday, about the noise issue. Yesterday, it was twice in a day! Why? Because, all the officialdom I write to, seems to be suffering from a collective deafness. Could it be due to the excessive noise in our midst? Their ears and by extension their brains have quit working?
I was mentioning this awful noise making in the middle of residential areas and near hospitals to a police officer, recently, and their attitude towards it. He completely agreed with me about the noise being a nuisance and that there was no cause for these people to be heard outside of their current places, i.e. where they are holding these functions. Be they religious or otherwise, as happened yesterday at at the Aga Khan School grounds and every weekend in our area at the MWA Hall. But, he told me that some of the officers can't seem to separate themselves from the noise when it comes to noisy issues of the religious kind. They seem to be under the impression that they will be cursed if they stop them!
For all these people's information, my request is not to stop these people from worshiping for I, too, do so. The only thing I ask is for them to worship in a manner that will not disturb others around. After all God/Allah is definitely NOT DEAF, Astaghfirullah! He can hear our innermost prayers, more so when they are done in a quiet dignified manner. Not in the way they are doing at present which raises the ire of the people around them. In fact, they are most likely being cursed by the patients next door and the residents (I am one of them), whom they disturb without let.
One example of 'civilized' services is the Catholic Church. One will not be able to hear them worshiping outside their doors. And that place is big, yet, they manage to NOT make pests of themselves and still worship? It was only once in recent memory that I heard, for nearly a week, some kind of loud promotion going on within the church grounds. But, since then, it's very quiet, mercifully.
Do these people, both Muslim and Christian need to be told this like little wayward children every other day?
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Terrible noise..... all the time - day and night, the 10th reminder....
We've spent the whole of today listening to the most awful racket made by some organization calling itself 'Vision......(something), Professionals'! They have hired the Aga Khan School Grounds since morning and have been making noise to their hearts content.
These, so-called professionals have completely disregarded the fact that this is a residential area with hospitals, too. And what about the school authorities who hired their grounds? I called the headmistress, Ms. Lavingia, at around lunch time when I'd ascertained that the noise was coming from the school grounds. She told me that they had hired it till 5.00 pm and on my request agreed to tell them to reduce the volume.
Well, they did reduce the volume, but, if somebody wanted to rest or open the windows, the decibels would not allow one to do this. I wonder what is the condition of the patients at the hospitals is, after having spent half of last night listening to the noisy wedding going on next door at the MWA Hall and then the whole of today to the deafening noise from the school grounds which carried on till after 7.00 pm? And I can see the lights on again at the MWA Hall which signifies that we're in for another night of noisy merry making by some more selfish people!
The Adhan for Isha prayers has just been given, which means that immediately that the loud prayers are finished, it will be a signal for these people at MWA Hall to start their racket.
Does ANYBODY out there care about the gross violation of human rights of this neighbourhood? And I'm sure that ours is not the only one in this lawless country of ours, that suffers this. There are countless others and NOBODY in this government or the bodies set up to deal with such acts, seem to want to do anything about all this. That is the basic tragedy of this nation.
These, so-called professionals have completely disregarded the fact that this is a residential area with hospitals, too. And what about the school authorities who hired their grounds? I called the headmistress, Ms. Lavingia, at around lunch time when I'd ascertained that the noise was coming from the school grounds. She told me that they had hired it till 5.00 pm and on my request agreed to tell them to reduce the volume.
Well, they did reduce the volume, but, if somebody wanted to rest or open the windows, the decibels would not allow one to do this. I wonder what is the condition of the patients at the hospitals is, after having spent half of last night listening to the noisy wedding going on next door at the MWA Hall and then the whole of today to the deafening noise from the school grounds which carried on till after 7.00 pm? And I can see the lights on again at the MWA Hall which signifies that we're in for another night of noisy merry making by some more selfish people!
The Adhan for Isha prayers has just been given, which means that immediately that the loud prayers are finished, it will be a signal for these people at MWA Hall to start their racket.
Does ANYBODY out there care about the gross violation of human rights of this neighbourhood? And I'm sure that ours is not the only one in this lawless country of ours, that suffers this. There are countless others and NOBODY in this government or the bodies set up to deal with such acts, seem to want to do anything about all this. That is the basic tragedy of this nation.
Religious and incessant other noise - the 9th reminder
This neighbourhood with the two hospitals in it, have, since yesterday, suffered incessant noise and at the time of writing this, there is some horrific drumming and singing going on. The noise is coming from the Aga Khan School's direction.
Last night, there was another, as envisaged, noisy, throbbing wedding taking place at the MWA Hall and when I called the cops, they promptly went to the place to get them to reduce the racket. It worked for a couple of hours and then at around 9.00 pm the noise steadily started increasing again, to it's previous levels. So, another phone call was in order and this time, too, I think, they came within a matter of 10-15 minutes. This, happened just after 10.00 pm. And mercifully, the goons making the racket wound up their act and peace descended on the neighbourhood.
But, just now, we have no idea what the latest noise is all about and who is making it and why. Only that it is so loud and vibrating type that we can feel and hear it all the way in our houses. I called the cops, but, we don't know if anything and when it will be done, about this latest disturbance to our peace.
Why do these people choose such nice and quiet neighbourhoods to hold their racket? And who is the person/s, who allow and permit these events with total disregard for the neighbourhood? Also, why isn't there a guideline as to how much 'noise' one can make ANYWHERE? That is, the number of decibels allowed!
Of course, the mosque/s are soon going to add to this comes time for afternoon prayers.... And tomorrow, the various churches are also going to join in.....
Last night, there was another, as envisaged, noisy, throbbing wedding taking place at the MWA Hall and when I called the cops, they promptly went to the place to get them to reduce the racket. It worked for a couple of hours and then at around 9.00 pm the noise steadily started increasing again, to it's previous levels. So, another phone call was in order and this time, too, I think, they came within a matter of 10-15 minutes. This, happened just after 10.00 pm. And mercifully, the goons making the racket wound up their act and peace descended on the neighbourhood.
But, just now, we have no idea what the latest noise is all about and who is making it and why. Only that it is so loud and vibrating type that we can feel and hear it all the way in our houses. I called the cops, but, we don't know if anything and when it will be done, about this latest disturbance to our peace.
Why do these people choose such nice and quiet neighbourhoods to hold their racket? And who is the person/s, who allow and permit these events with total disregard for the neighbourhood? Also, why isn't there a guideline as to how much 'noise' one can make ANYWHERE? That is, the number of decibels allowed!
Of course, the mosque/s are soon going to add to this comes time for afternoon prayers.... And tomorrow, the various churches are also going to join in.....
Friday, April 25, 2008
Religious and incessant other noise - the 8th reminder
I have no idea how many 'reminders' it is going to take to achieve peace, but, specifically to find out and let everybody else know, too, I'll continue with these 'reminders' of mine, as long as I'm able, Insha'Allah!
Early this morning, the small neighbourhood mosque's Imam was back to making a racket. Yes, I will call it a racket rather than prayers, because, he is not supposed to disturb others who are also praying in their houses. And considering this is not an all Muslim neighbourhood, and even if it was, he has no business being heard outside his tiny mosque (and this applies to all the other mosques everywhere in this country), as it's not valid for one to follow him from outside. Therefore, why should he be heard outside the mosque when leading prayers? Can somebody please tell me? And when trying to do so, the person defending this insanity, must also first give Qur'anic references not from the Prophet's (pbuh), Sunnah alone. Because, nowhere will they find such a practice by the Holy Prophet (pbuh), or even any of his companions, either.
Today being Friday, we're soon also going to be inundated by loud recitations of the Holy Qur'an before Friday prayers, which also is another innovation. We're told in the Qur'an itself that when it is being recited we should hold our peace and listen to it with attention. How many people out there, including so-called Muslims, are so inclined or even have the time? And even if all this was possible, which recitation from which mosque would one listen to?
All the above are logical questions with reasoning, but, our policy makers, so many of whom are Muslims, have quit using their God given grey matter and just get excited and 'offended' when somebody opposes or questions their current practices. They should apply their reason for as the Prophet's (pbuh), hadith goes, the one who applies it in matters of religion is superior to the one who does not!
Next, comes the Christians and their loud 'services' over the lunch hour at the MWA Hall every weekday. They are also still at it, completely impervious and couldn't care less, attitude about the residents and the two hospitals in the neighbourhood.
Officialdom has still not done ANYTHING about ANY of these noisy issues....., yet. Of course, from tonight that Hall is liable to be hired to equally noisy wedding parties, etc., when they will keep everybody awake thereby dictating their bedtimes. Regardless of whether anybody is ill, old, very young or the people just don't want to listen to this kind of racket which is being imposed upon them.
Early this morning, the small neighbourhood mosque's Imam was back to making a racket. Yes, I will call it a racket rather than prayers, because, he is not supposed to disturb others who are also praying in their houses. And considering this is not an all Muslim neighbourhood, and even if it was, he has no business being heard outside his tiny mosque (and this applies to all the other mosques everywhere in this country), as it's not valid for one to follow him from outside. Therefore, why should he be heard outside the mosque when leading prayers? Can somebody please tell me? And when trying to do so, the person defending this insanity, must also first give Qur'anic references not from the Prophet's (pbuh), Sunnah alone. Because, nowhere will they find such a practice by the Holy Prophet (pbuh), or even any of his companions, either.
Today being Friday, we're soon also going to be inundated by loud recitations of the Holy Qur'an before Friday prayers, which also is another innovation. We're told in the Qur'an itself that when it is being recited we should hold our peace and listen to it with attention. How many people out there, including so-called Muslims, are so inclined or even have the time? And even if all this was possible, which recitation from which mosque would one listen to?
All the above are logical questions with reasoning, but, our policy makers, so many of whom are Muslims, have quit using their God given grey matter and just get excited and 'offended' when somebody opposes or questions their current practices. They should apply their reason for as the Prophet's (pbuh), hadith goes, the one who applies it in matters of religion is superior to the one who does not!
Next, comes the Christians and their loud 'services' over the lunch hour at the MWA Hall every weekday. They are also still at it, completely impervious and couldn't care less, attitude about the residents and the two hospitals in the neighbourhood.
Officialdom has still not done ANYTHING about ANY of these noisy issues....., yet. Of course, from tonight that Hall is liable to be hired to equally noisy wedding parties, etc., when they will keep everybody awake thereby dictating their bedtimes. Regardless of whether anybody is ill, old, very young or the people just don't want to listen to this kind of racket which is being imposed upon them.
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Religious and incessant other noise - the 7th reminder
I should have written this yesterday, while the racket from MWA Hall was in full swing over the lunch hours, but, due to various reasons, could not do so.
As mentioned in my last 'reminder' (6th), while the Imam at the neighbourhood mosque has reduced his noise a little, the same cannot be said of the Christians who meet every lunch hour/s at the MWA Hall during weekdays. The Pastor there, including his congregation seem to be totally impervious to their surroundings and/or the objections to their noise.
The noise starts at around 12.30 pm and carries on till nearly 2.00 pm and sometimes, in their 'enthusiasm', even longer!
Officialdom, must really set a clear guide as to how 'loud' a function can be without being nuisances to others around. Hasn't NEMA passed such a law about noise pollution sometime in 2005?
And if the MWA Hall committee wants to hire out to various noisy people and organizations, they should, then, be compelled to invest in upgrading their hall by making it sound-proof. This way, people can have as loud a function as they like, without getting on the nerves of others. After all, this is a residential area with two hospitals adjacent to this contentious hall.
So, until such time as such upgrading can be done, officialdom who allow and give permits for such functions should make sure that the organizers of these don't make a nuisance of themselves. Be it a religious meeting or a wedding, etc. That is, they should then be monitored and not left to their own devices after issuing those permits.
As mentioned in my last 'reminder' (6th), while the Imam at the neighbourhood mosque has reduced his noise a little, the same cannot be said of the Christians who meet every lunch hour/s at the MWA Hall during weekdays. The Pastor there, including his congregation seem to be totally impervious to their surroundings and/or the objections to their noise.
The noise starts at around 12.30 pm and carries on till nearly 2.00 pm and sometimes, in their 'enthusiasm', even longer!
Officialdom, must really set a clear guide as to how 'loud' a function can be without being nuisances to others around. Hasn't NEMA passed such a law about noise pollution sometime in 2005?
And if the MWA Hall committee wants to hire out to various noisy people and organizations, they should, then, be compelled to invest in upgrading their hall by making it sound-proof. This way, people can have as loud a function as they like, without getting on the nerves of others. After all, this is a residential area with two hospitals adjacent to this contentious hall.
So, until such time as such upgrading can be done, officialdom who allow and give permits for such functions should make sure that the organizers of these don't make a nuisance of themselves. Be it a religious meeting or a wedding, etc. That is, they should then be monitored and not left to their own devices after issuing those permits.
The 163rd reminder.... to the PERSON/S CONCERNED
The water situation in Mombasa is going from worse to intolerable, now. Neighbourhoods are heading towards slum levels due to lack of sanitation and water. By sanitation, I mean cleanliness, i.e. rising uncollected garbage piles, thanks to our local council. These people are paid for this 'service' via our phantom water bills, yet, only work in fits and starts. And as written many times before, this is mostly in 'fits'!
Then, due to lack of enough water or none at all, it's difficult to maintain cleanliness all over including personal hygiene. Add to this the sweltering heat and humidity of Mombasa and you have many problems in the making.
Of course, the flies, mosquitoes and other disease carrying mediums, add to our health problems. For example, when we can't wash our hands at regular intervals due to lack of water, and then shake hands with people, we're sharing the germs we have on them with others and they in turn will do the same and in no time we can start an epidemic! Also, food, before being cooked, needs to be washed which, in the absence or not enough water, can't be done thoroughly.
Therefore, this precious commodity is so very vital for our well being, yet, our bloated water sector, like our cabinet, doesn't seem to be working towards alleviating our problem. They are just pocketing our money (tax and phantom water bills), and business carries on as usual.....
Then, due to lack of enough water or none at all, it's difficult to maintain cleanliness all over including personal hygiene. Add to this the sweltering heat and humidity of Mombasa and you have many problems in the making.
Of course, the flies, mosquitoes and other disease carrying mediums, add to our health problems. For example, when we can't wash our hands at regular intervals due to lack of water, and then shake hands with people, we're sharing the germs we have on them with others and they in turn will do the same and in no time we can start an epidemic! Also, food, before being cooked, needs to be washed which, in the absence or not enough water, can't be done thoroughly.
Therefore, this precious commodity is so very vital for our well being, yet, our bloated water sector, like our cabinet, doesn't seem to be working towards alleviating our problem. They are just pocketing our money (tax and phantom water bills), and business carries on as usual.....
Monday, April 21, 2008
Religious and incessant other noise - the 6th reminder
This is another reminder to the powers that be and whoever among the recipients is in-charge of religion.
Despite having suffered most of yesterday from the neighbourhood church's awful noise, my continued 'reminders' seem to have little effect on the pastor or the congregation as they are going to be making more noise over the lunch hours, every single weekday, too. As they have been doing since months on end, now. They are at it, just now! Hence, this email. And more will follow till such a time that the rule of law is applied, not just here, but, everywhere else.
Let us see, how many reminders over, how many years, it will take for anybody out there to do anything about it....
The mosque's Imam, seems to have reduced a little of his racket, but, the same cannot, unfortunately, be said about this church. Since when did Christians worship (officially), on days other than Saturdays or Sundays? Is this some new innovation on their part? Maybe, they are trying to show the Muslims that they are as 'holy' as them....? But, whatever the case (they can ALL worship as and when they like), they have no business disturbing others.
And in this case, there's a whole residential neighbourhood as well as two hospitals within hearing distance of their racket.
Do things ever change in our lawless country? While there are environmental laws regarding noise issues, NEMA, seems to act selectively when applying these laws. They put a stop to a similar noise making church in Karen, recently and regarding the noisy mosque in Nyali, despite there being a law regarding noise, the residents (around this mosque), had to take court action to stop them using public address systems.
These people are from 'rich' and 'exclusive' neighbourhoods and therefore NEMA, etc., seems to have gone out of it's way to impose this rule. What of the other neighbourhoods like ours? Aren't the people living in such areas humans and what of human rights?
Despite having suffered most of yesterday from the neighbourhood church's awful noise, my continued 'reminders' seem to have little effect on the pastor or the congregation as they are going to be making more noise over the lunch hours, every single weekday, too. As they have been doing since months on end, now. They are at it, just now! Hence, this email. And more will follow till such a time that the rule of law is applied, not just here, but, everywhere else.
Let us see, how many reminders over, how many years, it will take for anybody out there to do anything about it....
The mosque's Imam, seems to have reduced a little of his racket, but, the same cannot, unfortunately, be said about this church. Since when did Christians worship (officially), on days other than Saturdays or Sundays? Is this some new innovation on their part? Maybe, they are trying to show the Muslims that they are as 'holy' as them....? But, whatever the case (they can ALL worship as and when they like), they have no business disturbing others.
And in this case, there's a whole residential neighbourhood as well as two hospitals within hearing distance of their racket.
Do things ever change in our lawless country? While there are environmental laws regarding noise issues, NEMA, seems to act selectively when applying these laws. They put a stop to a similar noise making church in Karen, recently and regarding the noisy mosque in Nyali, despite there being a law regarding noise, the residents (around this mosque), had to take court action to stop them using public address systems.
These people are from 'rich' and 'exclusive' neighbourhoods and therefore NEMA, etc., seems to have gone out of it's way to impose this rule. What of the other neighbourhoods like ours? Aren't the people living in such areas humans and what of human rights?
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Re: Religious and incessant other noise - at least the 5th reminder
I, and the rest of this neighbourhood (especially the ones who have great objection to noise in it's midst), have had our whole weekend engulfed by noise at all hours!
Last night, there was another function (wedding?), at the MWA Hall which was extremely loud and noisy. Two phone calls to the police hotline, while the officer answering assured me that he was sending somebody over, resulted in no reduction of the decibels. And very few of us could sleep before 11.00 pm! I sympathetically wonder what the condition of the patients at the two neighbourhood hospitals, was...? Not to mention the residents in the neighbourhood some of whom have the old, sick and little children among them. Do these selfish people ever give a thought to anyone besides themselves?
And as happens every day, the loud calls to prayer from the mosques (yes, one can hear them from all over town), started at around 5.00 am and then, we can also, like others, also hear the subsequent prayers led by these noisy and unfeeling Imams, too.
This behaviour of the various so-called 'leaders' of the various sects of Islam and Christianity, begs a question - do they really believe in a God, i.e. a Higher Authority? If they did and if they really are the followers of their respective Prophets (a.s. - peace be on all of them), is that how these used to hold their services? With scant regard for people, especially of a faith other than theirs? Especially the sick, old, very young, etc.? And yet they shout from the rooftops about being kind and considerate to others.
Even as I write this, the neighbourhood small church calling itself 'Jesus victory temple', is obscuring every sound with it's ear-splitting service which has been going on since mid-morning and it's now after 1.00 pm! At the same time, the equally small neighbourhood mosque's Imam, is also leading his illegitimately loud prayers, there. Do these people think that God is deaf, Astaghfirullah? Or maybe, they are competing with each other as to who can be the loudest? Which means that they are not worshiping their Maker, but, it's now an ego problem and not a faith one.
Also, the noise that's emanating from the church is just noise as one cannot understand or hear a word of what he is scolding his congregation about. Did Jesus (pbuh), preach in that manner?
And about the Holy Prophet (pbuh), these ignorant Muslims should go back and read about his life and the Holy Qur'an with meaning. For nowhere and at no time did the Prophet par excellence, and not even his Blessed Companions, made nuisances of themselves by practicing their faith in the current manner of their so-called followers!
Oh, and it seems that regarding the noise, I will have to start doing what I'm doing about the water issues. Write 'reminders' everytime I suffer it's pollution and nothing is done about it by our 'too many cooks spoil the broth', kind of cabinet. They have yet to show us, their 'employers' how worthy they are in serving us, whose hard earned tax money goes to pay their equally bloated salaries and perks. In other words if they will earn their keep.....
Last night, there was another function (wedding?), at the MWA Hall which was extremely loud and noisy. Two phone calls to the police hotline, while the officer answering assured me that he was sending somebody over, resulted in no reduction of the decibels. And very few of us could sleep before 11.00 pm! I sympathetically wonder what the condition of the patients at the two neighbourhood hospitals, was...? Not to mention the residents in the neighbourhood some of whom have the old, sick and little children among them. Do these selfish people ever give a thought to anyone besides themselves?
And as happens every day, the loud calls to prayer from the mosques (yes, one can hear them from all over town), started at around 5.00 am and then, we can also, like others, also hear the subsequent prayers led by these noisy and unfeeling Imams, too.
This behaviour of the various so-called 'leaders' of the various sects of Islam and Christianity, begs a question - do they really believe in a God, i.e. a Higher Authority? If they did and if they really are the followers of their respective Prophets (a.s. - peace be on all of them), is that how these used to hold their services? With scant regard for people, especially of a faith other than theirs? Especially the sick, old, very young, etc.? And yet they shout from the rooftops about being kind and considerate to others.
Even as I write this, the neighbourhood small church calling itself 'Jesus victory temple', is obscuring every sound with it's ear-splitting service which has been going on since mid-morning and it's now after 1.00 pm! At the same time, the equally small neighbourhood mosque's Imam, is also leading his illegitimately loud prayers, there. Do these people think that God is deaf, Astaghfirullah? Or maybe, they are competing with each other as to who can be the loudest? Which means that they are not worshiping their Maker, but, it's now an ego problem and not a faith one.
Also, the noise that's emanating from the church is just noise as one cannot understand or hear a word of what he is scolding his congregation about. Did Jesus (pbuh), preach in that manner?
And about the Holy Prophet (pbuh), these ignorant Muslims should go back and read about his life and the Holy Qur'an with meaning. For nowhere and at no time did the Prophet par excellence, and not even his Blessed Companions, made nuisances of themselves by practicing their faith in the current manner of their so-called followers!
Oh, and it seems that regarding the noise, I will have to start doing what I'm doing about the water issues. Write 'reminders' everytime I suffer it's pollution and nothing is done about it by our 'too many cooks spoil the broth', kind of cabinet. They have yet to show us, their 'employers' how worthy they are in serving us, whose hard earned tax money goes to pay their equally bloated salaries and perks. In other words if they will earn their keep.....
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
The 162nd reminder.... to the PERSON/S CONCERNED & borehole digging (2)
Another week goes by and we don't have water and it's also the 3rd week since the latest neighbourhood borehole being re-dug, is still making a racket. It seems that they haven't reached the precious fluid, yet!
This is interesting as the neighbourhood well, too was being re-dug further yesterday. The ground water system is getting really strained, it would appear. Yet, NOBODY, out there is bothered. In the absence of rain, what would one expect? Yes, while it's raining in some parts of the country to flooding proportions, there is hardly anything showing up in Mombasa proper!
I also noted that our water company is not as efficient as it would like others to think for my bill, i.e. the name is still my late father's and the amount is also the same - including the phantom sewage charge! How do these people work? Yet, it's so strange that the only thing they are very efficient with are their phantom water bills. These arrive smack on time!!! Why is this so?
This is interesting as the neighbourhood well, too was being re-dug further yesterday. The ground water system is getting really strained, it would appear. Yet, NOBODY, out there is bothered. In the absence of rain, what would one expect? Yes, while it's raining in some parts of the country to flooding proportions, there is hardly anything showing up in Mombasa proper!
I also noted that our water company is not as efficient as it would like others to think for my bill, i.e. the name is still my late father's and the amount is also the same - including the phantom sewage charge! How do these people work? Yet, it's so strange that the only thing they are very efficient with are their phantom water bills. These arrive smack on time!!! Why is this so?
Road reserves & our town planners...
After reading the special report on Mombasa in Sunday's Nation, especially our Municipal Engineer's comments about there not being enough space to expand on the road network, I have the following comments...
1. While it's true that Mombasa proper is only an Island and therefore has limited space to build more roads, does our Municipal Engineer know that many of the road reserves have been grabbed by private developers thanks to the Municipal Town Planners?
2. The Council, itself has 'allocated' this land to others and is now very averse to admitting this or even rectifying the situation. Hence, as our Engineer mentioned, we do not have enough space to expand our roads within town which is partly true but at the same time, is not the case with ALL roads. Why?
3. If the Council is using the above as excuses for not adding to the road network and thereby easing the burgeoning traffic conditions, could they, at least, maintain the current roads in an efficient manner? Because, as matters stand now, the traffic situation is being made worse by not just the Matatus, tuk tuks, mkokotenis, learner drivers, suicidal pedestrians who cross without looking, motorists driving while talking on mobile phones, etc., but, by all the above trying to avoid potholed and bumpy (endless bumps put up everywhere indiscriminately further hindering a smooth flow of traffic), roads and the pedestrians walking on the road itself even when a foot-path is available.
4. Also, the Council, in a misguided attempt to 'widen' road space, have abundantly become very 'generous' with the yellow paint making previous parking spaces illegal. In the process, some drivers, including and especially (and they have always been this way), the matatus and tuk tuks, have taken to stopping in the middle of a lane to either pick up passengers or drop them off. And where are handicapped drivers/passengers going to park? This whole exercise results in a hold up of traffic. Our traffic cops stand around with their walkie talkies in hand at every junction looking like they are waiting to be beamed up to a waiting space ship, like in Star Trek!
5. There was a time, till the early 1980's, when heavy traffic was NOT allowed within town centre, at all. But, now they go on the narrowest of old town lanes some of which are too narrow for them. This results in further clogging of traffic, of course and there's nobody in officialdom to correct this anomaly. Why is heavy traffic allowed within town? Take the example of where I live. This same Council has 'allocated' a road reserve which has partly been used to build a block of flats and the remaining is being used as a truck, tractor, junk yard and garage. These monstrosities drive through our estate making a nonsense of the roads within the estate and the surrounding ones, too. Why is this still being allowed and the Council not doing a thing about it other than writing a cosmetic letter to the owner of this plot to vacate, a few years ago? Why hasn't the Council after writing this letter, followed up the owner about it?
Therefore, what the Council told those reporters in the Sunday Nation write up have no proper leg to stand on. Our Council leaves a lot to be desired where 'service' issues are concerned. So, what is the reason for their existence if they cannot deliver?
1. While it's true that Mombasa proper is only an Island and therefore has limited space to build more roads, does our Municipal Engineer know that many of the road reserves have been grabbed by private developers thanks to the Municipal Town Planners?
2. The Council, itself has 'allocated' this land to others and is now very averse to admitting this or even rectifying the situation. Hence, as our Engineer mentioned, we do not have enough space to expand our roads within town which is partly true but at the same time, is not the case with ALL roads. Why?
3. If the Council is using the above as excuses for not adding to the road network and thereby easing the burgeoning traffic conditions, could they, at least, maintain the current roads in an efficient manner? Because, as matters stand now, the traffic situation is being made worse by not just the Matatus, tuk tuks, mkokotenis, learner drivers, suicidal pedestrians who cross without looking, motorists driving while talking on mobile phones, etc., but, by all the above trying to avoid potholed and bumpy (endless bumps put up everywhere indiscriminately further hindering a smooth flow of traffic), roads and the pedestrians walking on the road itself even when a foot-path is available.
4. Also, the Council, in a misguided attempt to 'widen' road space, have abundantly become very 'generous' with the yellow paint making previous parking spaces illegal. In the process, some drivers, including and especially (and they have always been this way), the matatus and tuk tuks, have taken to stopping in the middle of a lane to either pick up passengers or drop them off. And where are handicapped drivers/passengers going to park? This whole exercise results in a hold up of traffic. Our traffic cops stand around with their walkie talkies in hand at every junction looking like they are waiting to be beamed up to a waiting space ship, like in Star Trek!
5. There was a time, till the early 1980's, when heavy traffic was NOT allowed within town centre, at all. But, now they go on the narrowest of old town lanes some of which are too narrow for them. This results in further clogging of traffic, of course and there's nobody in officialdom to correct this anomaly. Why is heavy traffic allowed within town? Take the example of where I live. This same Council has 'allocated' a road reserve which has partly been used to build a block of flats and the remaining is being used as a truck, tractor, junk yard and garage. These monstrosities drive through our estate making a nonsense of the roads within the estate and the surrounding ones, too. Why is this still being allowed and the Council not doing a thing about it other than writing a cosmetic letter to the owner of this plot to vacate, a few years ago? Why hasn't the Council after writing this letter, followed up the owner about it?
Therefore, what the Council told those reporters in the Sunday Nation write up have no proper leg to stand on. Our Council leaves a lot to be desired where 'service' issues are concerned. So, what is the reason for their existence if they cannot deliver?
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Re: [Fwd: Re: The Charcoal sellers saga, continues..... follow-up - 2]
Another Canter full of charcoal has just arrived a few minutes ago, 8.20 pm to be exact. I cannot make out the registration number of it properly but this time it's a KAZ 038T or J!
It's been quite a while this time since he ran out of supply nearly a month before this consignment arrived just now. And I thought that the reason for this long delay was because something had been done about it to stop it. How wrong I was! This, will remain a pipe dream and like everything else in this country with this government, it will continue to remain just that - a pipe dream!!!
It will take about 2 hours, at least, to off load it, and unfortunately, I can do nothing about it, other than write this email.
Despite having a very bloated cabinet, I wonder, if anybody will take any positive action about this continued insolence. Our hard earned and ill affordable tax paying 'serfs' will continue paying while getting no 'service' from those we have elected to save our dwindling forests, it seems, among all the other services, too, of course and business will continue as usual....., ad infinitum!
Razia. wrote on 08-Feb-08 2:00 PM:
Another Canter full of charcoal has just arrived a few minutes ago, 8.20 pm to be exact. I cannot make out the registration number of it properly but this time it's a KAZ 038T or J!
It's been quite a while this time since he ran out of supply nearly a month before this consignment arrived just now. And I thought that the reason for this long delay was because something had been done about it to stop it. How wrong I was! This, will remain a pipe dream and like everything else in this country with this government, it will continue to remain just that - a pipe dream!!!
It will take about 2 hours, at least, to off load it, and unfortunately, I can do nothing about it, other than write this email.
Despite having a very bloated cabinet, I wonder, if anybody will take any positive action about this continued insolence. Our hard earned and ill affordable tax paying 'serfs' will continue paying while getting no 'service' from those we have elected to save our dwindling forests, it seems, among all the other services, too, of course and business will continue as usual....., ad infinitum!
Razia. wrote on 08-Feb-08 2:00 PM:
Dear Razia, We have had problems with the internet for sometime, I regret that it has not been possible for me to get to you in good time. Please allow us time to investigate this matter, with the Forest Department and other concerned stakeholders, I will get back to you and inform you on the progress on Monday.
Regards Amy-------Original Message-------
From: Raziya
Subject: Re: [Fwd: Re: The Charcoal sellers saga, continues..... follow-up - 1]
Sent: 08 Feb '08 07:04
So, what is happening about this issue. You never got back to me.
Raziya wrote on 06-Feb-08 12:13 PM:
The following is the email that I wrote and sent to all these addresses this morning. Thanks for calling. I really appreciate this.
Salaams, Razia.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: The Charcoal sellers saga, continues..... follow-up - 1
Date: Wed, 06 Feb :12:58 +0300
From: Raziya
To: Rev. Alfred Obuya, Chairman, Msa District - Coast Inter-Faith Council of Clerics [LINK:] <>, Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry, MSA [LINK:] <>, Eng. J.R Nyaoro [LINK:] <>, Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission [LINK:] <>, [LINK:] [LINK:] <>, [LINK:] [LINK:] <>, Nyambura Githagui - Snr. Social Development Specialist [LINK:] <>, Achienga Achola [LINK:] <>, All NARC Politicians [LINK:] <>, Transparency International [LINK:] <>, 'arthur aseka' [LINK:] <>, [LINK:], [LINK:], [LINK:] [LINK:] <>, Cecilia Andersson [LINK:] <>, Coast Development Authority - Managing Director [LINK:] <>, Transparency International- Kenya [LINK:] <>, The PRESIDENT- KENYA [LINK:] <>, Dr. Willy Mutunga [LINK:] <>, Elijah Agevi [LINK:] <>, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, District Forest Officer, Mwai Muraguri [LINK:] <>, engkariuki [LINK:] <>, Teckla Muhoro [LINK:] <>, Ministry of Roads & Public Works - Provincial Works Engineer [LINK:] <>, Dr. Muusya Mwinzi - Director General, NEMA [LINK:] <>, Jackson Kago [LINK:] <>, The Kenya Alliance of Resident Associations (KARA) [LINK:] <>, Juma Assiago [LINK:] <>, Seraphin Njagi - UNDP [LINK:] <>, Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission [LINK:] <>, Kenya National Commission on Human Rights [LINK:] <>, Khalef Khalifa & Munir Mazrui [LINK:] <>, Maina Kiai - Kenya Human Rights Commission [LINK:] <>, Margaret Mwangi [LINK:] <>, MCTA [LINK:] <>, Mr. Pascal Omela - Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission (KACC) [LINK:] <>, Director General, National Environment Management Authority [LINK:] <>, Munir Mazrui [LINK:] <>, Muslim Civic Education Trust (MCET) [LINK:] <>, Muslim Civic Education Trust, Chairaman - Prof. M. Hyder [LINK:] <>, Mutembei [LINK:] <>, [LINK:], ncck [LINK:] <>, NCEC [LINK:] <>, nderu [LINK:] <>, oenvironment trust kenya [LINK:] <>, Prof. Wangari Maathai - Green Belt Movement [LINK:] <>, Prof. Ayiecho Olweny [LINK:] <>, Provincial Environmental Officer (Coast) [LINK:] <>, Public Complaints Committee. Chairman [LINK:] <>, Wanjira Mathai [LINK:] <>, Information Office [LINK:] <>, Anne Ngugi, Legal Officer [LINK:] <>, Amb. Francis K. Muthaura, EGH, Chairman Performance Contract Steering Committee, Office of the President [LINK:] <>, KTA/MORW Coast Province [LINK:] <>, Coast MORW P. K Kandie [LINK:] <>, MCM Town Clerk Roba Duba [LINK:] <>, Fatuma Ibrahim Ali, Vice-Chair - Kenya National Commission on Human Rights [LINK:] <>, Ms. Wanja Njuguna [LINK:] <>, Kenya Anti-Corruption Commission - Mombasa [LINK:] <>, Morris Mae [LINK:] <>, Centre for Governance & Development, Kisamwa Lambi [LINK:] <>, Coast Development Lobby Group [LINK:] <>, Prof. Wangari Maathai - Green Belt Movement [LINK:] <>, Green Belt Movement Headquarters [LINK:] <>, Green Belt Movement -Media [LINK:] <>, Greenpeace International [LINK:] <>, Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources, District Forest Officer, Mwai Muraguri [LINK:] <>, The Director, Kenya Forestry Research Institute [LINK:] <>, Forest Programme Co-ordinator [LINK:] <> CC: Presidential Press Service [LINK:] <>, moses baya [LINK:] <>, Mwende Mwinzi [LINK:] <>, Kenya Times [LINK:] <>, British Broadcasting Corporation - News Online [LINK:] <>, British Broadcasting Corporation - Outlook [LINK:] <>, The Listening Post - Al-Jazeera [LINK:] <>, The Public Watchdog [LINK:] <>, [LINK:] "" [LINK:] <>, East African Standard [LINK:] <>, "East African Standard, Editorial" [LINK:] <>, THE WATCHMAN [LINK:] <>, FACE THE FACTS - East African Standard [LINK:] <>, GIKONYO Macharia [LINK:] <>, Yusuf Ali [LINK:] <>, Imre Loefler [LINK:] <>, Jacque Ooko [LINK:] <>, John Mulaa [LINK:] <>, KamemeFM Radio [LINK:] <>, oketch kendo [LINK:] <>, palaver [LINK:] <>, Nation TV [LINK:] <>, Salama Radio [LINK:] <>, [LINK:] "" [LINK:] <>, KTN [LINK:] <>, Vip Ogola [LINK:] <>, Letters To The Editor [LINK:] <>, [LINK:] "" [LINK:] <>, Sunny Bindra [LINK:] <> References: [LINK:] <> [LINK:] <>
At around 9.30 am the same Mitsubishi Canter KAY 034A arrived and as I write this, they are off-loading the sacks of charcoal. I have tried ringing the Nairobi Forestry offices umpteen numbers of times but, for some reason best known to Telkom Kenya Ltd and the Forestry offices switchboard, none of the people whom I was put through to, could hear me! I wasted at least 10-15 minutes trying to get through over and over, again, to no avail. Next, I tried ringing the Green Belt Movement offices and while the lady at the other end could hear me, thank God, the person whom I could talk to is not available till after 10.00 or 11.00 am. But, at least, they took down my number (wireless), and promised to call me back as soon as she got to the office. Now, if you will read of my saga with this Charcoal dealer, below, you'll find that while officialdom sometimes does 'react', to my numerous and frantic calls, they don't deem it their duty to let me know if this is a legitimate business or not. In the process I waste a lot of my time, energy and money in trying to report a matter which might be on the up and up (so to speak), trying to save our dwindling forests. Hence, this email, again to all of you.
Raziya wrote on 15-Dec-07 10:29 PM:
After I wrote the following email, the cops arrived, but, as usual the whole neighbourhood gathered around them including this Charcoal dealer's mother (the one who had tried to push me down the stairs). I don't know what exactly they were telling the officers, but, they kept pointing to my flat. Immediately they left, my car alarm kept going off over and over again as somebody kept hitting the car! So, I called the OCS ( I couldn't get through to Mr. Tebeny, the DCIO, whom I'd called earlier), who assured me that these people had a permit to do this. I wonder if the officers were shown it. He also told me that due to the time of year and there being so many holidays, etc., and celebrations, this charcoal guy was doing the neighbourhood a service! Unfortunately, for him and the country's depleting forests, he has given the same reason previously many months ago to the forestry officers who wanted to see his permit which he didn't have. He told them a vague story about the supplier having it....., probably. As these forestry officials don't seem to find it necessary to let me (who informed them, in the first place), know if this business of his is legitimate or not, I have no idea if this guy has any such thing. If he does, than, why not just display this for all to see? And why should his mother and himself get so upset at me bringing in officialdom, everytime he gets a charcoal consignment? Add to this, it's such a lame and ridiculous excuse, when he says that he's doing a necessary 'service' to the neighbourhood! His mother has also, previously claimed that he will carry on with this business of his as they just have to pay off the officers who come by to 'make trouble', thanks to me. If you remember, this same guy is a suspect for smashing up my car on the night of 13th July 2007, because at that time he had also taken to keeping goats. When I'd asked him a number of times the reason for these, he'd given me a runaround telling me that they had been ordered by a neighbour who was soon going to have a wedding. This was neither here nor there and instead of the goats decreasing they increased into a herd with a glue-sniffing goat herd taking care of them. And when, officialdom eventually took action almost 3 months later on the 13th of July 2007, the result was malicious damage to my car in the night. This is also happening right under the noses of the Council employees. What is the Council's environment dept. doing about it? And how safe am I and my property, considering all the things that have happened to me, to date? The cops, as far as I'm concerned, can't seem to be bothered. It is so futile, in this country, to fight for justice, where there's very little of transparency, ethics and rule of law. And where money plays the most important part rather than integrity and doing one's duty. I just have one wish should I die as a result of all these threats and intimidations - that the people concerned will not let it be in vain, please.
CC The DCIO, Mr. Tebeny, Urban HQ
The OCS, Central Police, Msa
Raziya Mohamedali wrote at 5:06 PM :
I would have taken a photograph of the Mitsubishi Canter that is at present off-loading the sacks of charcoal. But, will and cannot do so due to reasons that you will read shortly. They will take at least 2 hours to do this and I have just rung the DCIO Mr. Tebeny on his mobile giving him the Canter's no. KAY 034A. I hope and pray that this time something will be done about this in a proper manner and my 'activities' of informing officialdom do not go in vain, considering that just last Tuesday this Charcoal dealer's mother, tried pushing me down the stairs. Fortunately, this happened in front of 3 witnesses, two of whom were my visitors from Canada. We went to report this latest incidence of direct threat and intimidation, to the police where we all wrote our own reports, signed them and I was given the following OB number - 67/11/12/07. When we returned home after a couple of hours (this the cops don't know), we found a black polythene bag inside kept on the other side of the gate at the top of my staircase. It contained a dead cat! It was 'freshly' dead as it hadn't started smelling, yet. So, I just disposed of it, though, the same 3 witnesses saw it, too, and after having experienced our cops attitude earlier, didn't bother reporting it. This can mean several things to different people, but, who and why was this cat's corpse deposited within my gate? Will the people concerned now take the necessary action....., even on a Saturday afternoon when they are trying to enjoy their weekend, off? I hope and pray that somebody dedicated enough will do so, this time round.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Re: Religious and incessant other noise & Prayer time for our two principals
Yes, you're very right. These politicians quarrel about minor child like issues while the country literally 'burns'! And of course they don't care. Why should they? They get their untaxed and hiked up salaries. In fact, they should not be paid and be, instead, forced to join the IDPs at their camps for one week. Let's see what transpires, then.
Just now, my maid whom I'd given that printed email, below, to deliver, came back with it telling me that the guy had refused to accept it and added further that they would make more noise henceforth! Do these people even believe in a Creator? Let alone being supposed Muslims. I've sent her back to the house (another 'allocated' and questionable plot, by the Council), whose owner/s are the ones responsible for having built this contentious mosque in the first place.
It is on a road reserve and therefore grabbed. Yet, they have a title deed!!! How valid are such title deeds?
elijah Agevi wrote:
Just now, my maid whom I'd given that printed email, below, to deliver, came back with it telling me that the guy had refused to accept it and added further that they would make more noise henceforth! Do these people even believe in a Creator? Let alone being supposed Muslims. I've sent her back to the house (another 'allocated' and questionable plot, by the Council), whose owner/s are the ones responsible for having built this contentious mosque in the first place.
It is on a road reserve and therefore grabbed. Yet, they have a title deed!!! How valid are such title deeds?
elijah Agevi wrote:
On Sat, April 12, :06 am, Raziya wrote:Assalamu alaikum, again! Yet, the question remains - WHY? Why and what do they derive out of making noise and disturbing others? What a sick lot we've become! Maybe, they think that they are propagating their beliefs to one and all..., whether we're interested or not.....? In which case, they are still being an insult to the faith and the holy founder who would NEVER have approved of their methods, for the Holy Qur'an tells us to use the best arguments and polite and sweet words with reasoning to call people to the right path. And their 'path' is definitely very obnoxious and very unattractive and to top it all, without any reason whatsoever!!! That neighbourhood Imam was at it again, this morning, conducting his loud prayers as though the mosque was a huge building instead of the tiny one that it actually, is. They have no sense nor respect for others, it seems. Is it any wonder either that the neighbourhood children (most of whom are so-called Muslims), are some of the worst behaving kids around?! They have no respect for others property and while the loud Adhan and prayer is going on in the mosque, they are either playing outside and/or messing around with other neighbours' property! What an example the adults are setting! They are not disciplined and principled and their offspring are also the same way, of course. I'll be printing out this email and get it delivered to see if the guy/s will follow their horrible egos or what their faith requires of them..... I sometimes wonder if they are even educated enough to understand what they are reading about themselves. Salaams, Razia. Muneer Khandwalla wrote:Slmz! The Imam is just an employee and has no say in what goes on in there! Mara, akiobject basi kwisha job. The mosque people are rich, connected and you'll never who they're related to . . . . . . . . in this land of ours, only the rich and connected have any rights to speak of, we are there to provide for them and their upkeep through our noses with the taxes we pay . . . . they remember us only in passing when they need us for our votes . . . . . MM K
On 4/11/08, Raziya wrote:Wa'alaikum Salaam!
Yes, I've noticed about the continuous weddings at the MWA Hall, but, mercifully as I write this, there's nothing of the sort going on there. But, then, we have a whole weekend, yet, and one never knows what will be happening the next two nights....! These people are some of the most selfish lot imaginable, I agree. Being Muslims, don't they know that weddings are first and foremost not supposed to be such lavish and showy affairs and dancing and music is also not allowed....., even if there are just women there. As I mentioned before, we Muslims have become some of the most despicable creatures on earth! They have the least regard for others and then they say that they are the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). What irony! I wonder if they know much about their religion and what it stands for. They are an insult to our beloved Prophet (pbuh)!!!! I sent the letter below to the person in charge of the neighbourhood mosque, this morning before I left for Friday prayers, but, it seems to have had no effect on the Imam, there. I wonder if the guy has a brain with which he thinks and which he is required to do according to his faith?! These people have scant regard for anybody but themselves, unfortunately. And the authorities behave that they can't touch anybody who is making religious noises (despite there being laws to the contrary), as they are to do with worshiping. Another irony! Salaams, Razia. Muneer Khandwalla wrote:Salamz now its April and wedding season - woe to anyone - who lives near a social hall like AgaKhan Sports, Womens', Muslim Womens', Kokni etc. . . . And woe to anyone who dares to object and because something is very odd, nothing happens if you complain, why? Don't people have a right to peace, calm and tranquility. Or just because someone's having a good day, everyone must join in whether they want to or not! MM
On 4/10/08, Raziya wrote:Assalamu alaikum!
Mosques or rather the Imams in them, everywhere in this country, seem to be hell-bent on competing with their Christian counterparts, in making as much noise as possible....., all in the name of worshiping ourCreator!First, the Muslims - We are not supposed to disturb others. This was the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and so says the Holy Qur'an, too, which Muslims claim to follow. Other than giving the call to prayer, nothing else is supposed to be heard outside the mosque. Yet, these misguided Imams, lead prayers inside the mosque at such ear-splitting volumes that one would get the impression that he was leading the whole neighbourhood and further afield in prayers. This is NOT VALID, as during prayers, one is not even supposed to say them so loud that the person next to one can hear what one is reciting. Therefore, why should these Imams make pests of themselves and be so impervious to the disturbance they are causing to others who might be praying at home? Second, the Christians - I was under the impression that they have only one day of official prayer in a week for them. While nobody is disputing their doing this more times, it's highly irritating and disturbing when they, like their Muslim counterparts, perform their services at ear-splitting volumes and that too with complete disregard to residential areas and hospitals in their neighbourhoods. Third, lorries, tractors, etc - These are not supposed to be parked, revved and fixed within residential areas as it's against Municipal by-laws. Yet they do. Promotional loud music - Our mobile telephony providers and others like minded sales people think nothing of adding to all the din around them by so-called promoting their products loudly to the public. All this noise, is not supposed to be allowed, yet, it exists in our midst with the various authorities doing absolutely NOTHING about making our existence quieter and more bearable. Why?
Re: Religious and incessant other noise....
Yet, the question remains - WHY? Why and what do they derive out of making noise and disturbing others? What a sick lot we've become!
Maybe, they think that they are propagating their beliefs to one and all..., whether we're interested or not.....? In which case, they are still being an insult to the faith and the holy founder who would NEVER have approved of their methods, for the Holy Qur'an tells us to use the best arguments and polite and sweet words with reasoning to call people to the right path.
And their 'path' is definitely very obnoxious and very unattractive and to top it all, without any reason whatsoever!!!
That neighbourhood Imam was at it again, this morning, conducting his loud prayers as though the mosque was a huge building instead of the tiny one that it actually, is. They have no sense nor respect for others, it seems.
Is it any wonder either that the neighbourhood children (most of whom are so-called Muslims), are some of the worst behaving kids around?! They have no respect for others property and while the loud Adhan and prayer is going on in the mosque, they are either playing outside and/or messing around with other neighbours' property! What an example the adults are setting! They are not disciplined and principled and their offspring are also the same way, of course.
I'll be printing out this email and get it delivered to see if the guy/s will follow their horrible egos or what their faith requires of them..... I sometimes wonder if they are even educated enough to understand what they are reading about themselves.
Muneer Khandwalla wrote:
Maybe, they think that they are propagating their beliefs to one and all..., whether we're interested or not.....? In which case, they are still being an insult to the faith and the holy founder who would NEVER have approved of their methods, for the Holy Qur'an tells us to use the best arguments and polite and sweet words with reasoning to call people to the right path.
And their 'path' is definitely very obnoxious and very unattractive and to top it all, without any reason whatsoever!!!
That neighbourhood Imam was at it again, this morning, conducting his loud prayers as though the mosque was a huge building instead of the tiny one that it actually, is. They have no sense nor respect for others, it seems.
Is it any wonder either that the neighbourhood children (most of whom are so-called Muslims), are some of the worst behaving kids around?! They have no respect for others property and while the loud Adhan and prayer is going on in the mosque, they are either playing outside and/or messing around with other neighbours' property! What an example the adults are setting! They are not disciplined and principled and their offspring are also the same way, of course.
I'll be printing out this email and get it delivered to see if the guy/s will follow their horrible egos or what their faith requires of them..... I sometimes wonder if they are even educated enough to understand what they are reading about themselves.
Muneer Khandwalla wrote:
Slmz! The Imam is just an employee and has no say in what goes on in there! Mara, akiobject basi kwisha job. The mosque people are rich, connected and you'll never who they're related to . . . . . . . . in this land of ours, only the rich and connected have any rights to speak of, we are there to provide for them and their upkeep through our noses with the taxes we pay . . . . they remember us only in passing when they need us for our votes . . . . . MM K
On 4/11/08, Raziya wrote:Wa'alaikum Salaam!
Yes, I've noticed about the continuous weddings at the MWA Hall, but, mercifully as I write this, there's nothing of the sort going on there. But, then, we have a whole weekend, yet, and one never knows what will be happening the next two nights....! These people are some of the most selfish lot imaginable, I agree. Being Muslims, don't they know that weddings are first and foremost not supposed to be such lavish and showy affairs and dancing and music is also not allowed....., even if there are just women there. As I mentioned before, we Muslims have become some of the most despicable creatures on earth! They have the least regard for others and then they say that they are the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). What irony! I wonder if they know much about their religion and what it stands for. They are an insult to our beloved Prophet (pbuh)!!!! I sent the letter below to the person in charge of the neighbourhood mosque, this morning before I left for Friday prayers, but, it seems to have had no effect on the Imam, there. I wonder if the guy has a brain with which he thinks and which he is required to do according to his faith?! These people have scant regard for anybody but themselves, unfortunately. And the authorities behave that they can't touch anybody who is making religious noises (despite there being laws to the contrary), as they are to do with worshiping. Another irony! Salaams, Razia. Muneer Khandwalla wrote:Salamz now its April and wedding season - woe to anyone - who lives near a social hall like AgaKhan Sports, Womens', Muslim Womens', Kokni etc. . . . And woe to anyone who dares to object and because something is very odd, nothing happens if you complain, why? Don't people have a right to peace, calm and tranquility. Or just because someone's having a good day, everyone must join in whether they want to or not! MM
On 4/10/08, Raziya wrote:Assalamu alaikum!
Mosques or rather the Imams in them, everywhere in this country, seem to be hell-bent on competing with their Christian counterparts, in making as much noise as possible....., all in the name of worshiping ourCreator!First, the Muslims - We are not supposed to disturb others. This was the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and so says the Holy Qur'an, too, which Muslims claim to follow. Other than giving the call to prayer, nothing else is supposed to be heard outside the mosque. Yet, these misguided Imams, lead prayers inside the mosque at such ear-splitting volumes that one would get the impression that he was leading the whole neighbourhood and further afield in prayers. This is NOT VALID, as during prayers, one is not even supposed to say them so loud that the person next to one can hear what one is reciting. Therefore, why should these Imams make pests of themselves and be so impervious to the disturbance they are causing to others who might be praying at home? Second, the Christians - I was under the impression that they have only one day of official prayer in a week for them. While nobody is disputing their doing this more times, it's highly irritating and disturbing when they, like their Muslim counterparts, perform their services at ear-splitting volumes and that too with complete disregard to residential areas and hospitals in their neighbourhoods. Third, lorries, tractors, etc - These are not supposed to be parked, revved and fixed within residential areas as it's against Municipal by-laws. Yet they do. Promotional loud music - Our mobile telephony providers and others like minded sales people think nothing of adding to all the din around them by so-called promoting their products loudly to the public. All this noise, is not supposed to be allowed, yet, it exists in our midst with the various authorities doing absolutely NOTHING about making our existence quieter and more bearable. Why?
Friday, April 11, 2008
Re: Religious and incessant other noise....
Wa'alaikum Salaam!
Yes, I've noticed about the continuous weddings at the MWA Hall, but, mercifully as I write this, there's nothing of the sort going on there. But, then, we have a whole weekend, yet, and one never knows what will be happening the next two nights....!
These people are some of the most selfish lot imaginable, I agree. Being Muslims, don't they know that weddings are first and foremost not supposed to be such lavish and showy affairs and dancing and music is also not allowed....., even if there are just women there.
As I mentioned before, we Muslims have become some of the most despicable creatures on earth! They have the least regard for others and then they say that they are the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). What irony! I wonder if they know much about their religion and what it stands for. They are an insult to our beloved Prophet (pbuh)!!!!
I sent the letter below to the person in charge of the neighbourhood mosque, this morning before I left for Friday prayers, but, it seems to have had no effect on the Imam, there. I wonder if the guy has a brain with which he thinks and which he is required to do according to his faith?! These people have scant regard for anybody but themselves, unfortunately.
And the authorities behave that they can't touch anybody who is making religious noises (despite there being laws to the contrary), as they are to do with worshiping. Another irony!
Muneer Khandwalla wrote:
Yes, I've noticed about the continuous weddings at the MWA Hall, but, mercifully as I write this, there's nothing of the sort going on there. But, then, we have a whole weekend, yet, and one never knows what will be happening the next two nights....!
These people are some of the most selfish lot imaginable, I agree. Being Muslims, don't they know that weddings are first and foremost not supposed to be such lavish and showy affairs and dancing and music is also not allowed....., even if there are just women there.
As I mentioned before, we Muslims have become some of the most despicable creatures on earth! They have the least regard for others and then they say that they are the followers of the Holy Prophet (pbuh). What irony! I wonder if they know much about their religion and what it stands for. They are an insult to our beloved Prophet (pbuh)!!!!
I sent the letter below to the person in charge of the neighbourhood mosque, this morning before I left for Friday prayers, but, it seems to have had no effect on the Imam, there. I wonder if the guy has a brain with which he thinks and which he is required to do according to his faith?! These people have scant regard for anybody but themselves, unfortunately.
And the authorities behave that they can't touch anybody who is making religious noises (despite there being laws to the contrary), as they are to do with worshiping. Another irony!
Muneer Khandwalla wrote:
Salamz now its April and wedding season - woe to anyone - who lives near a social hall like AgaKhan Sports, Womens', Muslim Womens', Kokni etc. . . . And woe to anyone who dares to object and because something is very odd, nothing happens if you complain, why? Don't people have a right to peace, calm and tranquility. Or just because someone's having a good day, everyone must join in whether they want to or not! MM
On 4/10/08, Raziya wrote:Assalamu alaikum! Mosques or rather the Imams in them, everywhere in this country, seem to be hell-bent on competing with their Christian counterparts, in making as much noise as possible....., all in the name of worshiping our Creator! First, the Muslims - We are not supposed to disturb others. This was the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and so says the Holy Qur'an, too, which Muslims claim to follow. Other than giving the call to prayer, nothing else is supposed to be heard outside the mosque. Yet, these misguided Imams, lead prayers inside the mosque at such ear-splitting volumes that one would get the impression that he was leading the whole neighbourhood and further afield in prayers. This is NOT VALID, as during prayers, one is not even supposed to say them so loud that the person next to one can hear what one is reciting. Therefore, why should these Imams make pests of themselves and be so impervious to the disturbance they are causing to others who might be praying at home? Second, the Christians - I was under the impression that they have only one day of official prayer in a week for them. While nobody is disputing their doing this more times, it's highly irritating and disturbing when they, like their Muslim counterparts, perform their services at ear-splitting volumes and that too with complete disregard to residential areas and hospitals in their neighbourhoods. Third, lorries, tractors, etc - These are not supposed to be parked, revved and fixed within residential areas as it's against Municipal by-laws. Yet they do. Promotional loud music - Our mobile telephony providers and others like minded sales people think nothing of adding to all the din around them by so-called promoting their products loudly to the public. All this noise, is not supposed to be allowed, yet, it exists in our midst with the various authorities doing absolutely NOTHING about making our existence quieter and more bearable. Why?
Religious and incessant other noise....
Mosques or rather the Imams in them, everywhere in this country, seem to be hell-bent on competing with their Christian counterparts, in making as much noise as possible....., all in the name of worshiping our Creator!
First, the Muslims - We are not supposed to disturb others. This was the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and so says the Holy Qur'an, too, which Muslims claim to follow. Other than giving the call to prayer, nothing else is supposed to be heard outside the mosque. Yet, these misguided Imams, lead prayers inside the mosque at such ear-splitting volumes that one would get the impression that he was leading the whole neighbourhood and further afield in prayers. This is NOT VALID, as during prayers, one is not even supposed to say them so loud that the person next to one can hear what one is reciting. Therefore, why should these Imams make pests of themselves and be so impervious to the disturbance they are causing to others who might be praying at home?
Second, the Christians - I was under the impression that they have only one day of official prayer in a week for them. While nobody is disputing their doing this more times, it's highly irritating and disturbing when they, like their Muslim counterparts, perform their services at ear-splitting volumes and that too with complete disregard to residential areas and hospitals in their neighbourhoods.
Third, lorries, tractors, etc - These are not supposed to be parked, revved and fixed within residential areas as it's against Municipal by-laws. Yet they do.
Promotional loud music - Our mobile telephony providers and others like minded sales people think nothing of adding to all the din around them by so-called promoting their products loudly to the public.
All this noise, is not supposed to be allowed, yet, it exists in our midst with the various authorities doing absolutely NOTHING about making our existence quieter and more bearable. Why?
First, the Muslims - We are not supposed to disturb others. This was the practice of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), and so says the Holy Qur'an, too, which Muslims claim to follow. Other than giving the call to prayer, nothing else is supposed to be heard outside the mosque. Yet, these misguided Imams, lead prayers inside the mosque at such ear-splitting volumes that one would get the impression that he was leading the whole neighbourhood and further afield in prayers. This is NOT VALID, as during prayers, one is not even supposed to say them so loud that the person next to one can hear what one is reciting. Therefore, why should these Imams make pests of themselves and be so impervious to the disturbance they are causing to others who might be praying at home?
Second, the Christians - I was under the impression that they have only one day of official prayer in a week for them. While nobody is disputing their doing this more times, it's highly irritating and disturbing when they, like their Muslim counterparts, perform their services at ear-splitting volumes and that too with complete disregard to residential areas and hospitals in their neighbourhoods.
Third, lorries, tractors, etc - These are not supposed to be parked, revved and fixed within residential areas as it's against Municipal by-laws. Yet they do.
Promotional loud music - Our mobile telephony providers and others like minded sales people think nothing of adding to all the din around them by so-called promoting their products loudly to the public.
All this noise, is not supposed to be allowed, yet, it exists in our midst with the various authorities doing absolutely NOTHING about making our existence quieter and more bearable. Why?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The 161st reminder.... to the PERSON/S CONCERNED & borehole digging
I wrote the following email regarding the latest borehole being re-dug in our estate, but, these people still haven't 'struck' water and it's now over a week since the racket started, but, nothing, yet..... How many more days, weeks, months are we going to have to endure this ear-splitting noise?
Just this estate has at least 4 to 5 boreholes/wells, which is a real drain on our ground water system, yet, the various water bodies including the Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA), is least bothered about it. Why? Is it because their incompetence then, is 'advertised' to everybody, in providing water to all in Coast Province?
Also, nearly every private house/block of flats in this area (Kizingo), alone has, at least, one borehole or well.
Then, one of these wells, in my estate, is open to contaminants. That is, the people responsible have 'covered' it, but, with a grill! Other than a human, every other thing in the form of insects, dust, etc., can fall into it. So, how safe/clean, is the water from this well?
Raziya wrote on 08-Apr-08 11:19 AM:
Just this estate has at least 4 to 5 boreholes/wells, which is a real drain on our ground water system, yet, the various water bodies including the Water Resources Management Authority (WRMA), is least bothered about it. Why? Is it because their incompetence then, is 'advertised' to everybody, in providing water to all in Coast Province?
Also, nearly every private house/block of flats in this area (Kizingo), alone has, at least, one borehole or well.
Then, one of these wells, in my estate, is open to contaminants. That is, the people responsible have 'covered' it, but, with a grill! Other than a human, every other thing in the form of insects, dust, etc., can fall into it. So, how safe/clean, is the water from this well?
Raziya wrote on 08-Apr-08 11:19 AM:
As I write this, there is one of my 'allocated plot, developed' neighbours' re-sinking a borehole which seems to have quit producing water. Then, another neighbour has the radio/tape/CD, on so loud that it can be heard above the din of the borehole digging machine!
About the borehole - there is a regulation, especially for the island of Mombasa that the Council and the numerous water bodies should not allow these to be dug indiscriminately all over the place, and especially that one not allow to be dug within a kilometer's radius of an existing one.
But, NO ONE in the entire Coast Province is bothered to implement this. Why, you might ask? Because, first, our Coast Water (dis)Services Board (CWSB), since it's appearance on our horizon, has not been laying down the infrastructure for easing the severe water problems, here. So, how are people going to continue surviving without this commodity? People are really FED UP with them and take the law into their own hands by digging boreholes all over the place, aided and abetted by the council, CWSB and various other water bodies. It's a case of too many cooks spoil the broth!
I've let the MD of MOWASCO know about this borehole and considering it's now over a week that I did, and work is still going on, I've reached the conclusion that it's ok with them. In fact, CDF money was used to dig another borehole within meters of this place a couple of years ago, and surprisingly, there's a septic tank somewhere near it, too! I informed the authorities about this, too, to no avail.
There's is another borehole (whether it's still being used or not, I don't know), within the Kisauni MP, Joho's, residence who lives in another 'allocated developed plot' in our Municipal Estate and whose palatial house is right next to my block.
I could carry on and on, ad infinitum, but, suffice it to say that while we have all these things on paper, officialdom seems to lack the will to do anything. Therein lies our many problems of governance. By having a bloated cabinet, it's definitely NOT going to improve the Wananchi's lives. In fact, it's going to cost us much, much more:(
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Re: Noisy weddings, revisited... and persistent noisy events....
It is with great concern and irritation that I'm compelled to write over and over again regarding this noise issue.
Do the people concerned, starting with the NEMA, GoK, the police, etc., ever think of the effect that incessant noise of any kind has on the human psyche? If, they do, what are they doing about this type of pollution? Is it any wonder that we have a country mostly full of nincompoops who hear no evil, supposedly see no evil and then do absolutely NOTHING about anything?!
We in this neighbourhood (see below), have been inundated by noise since last evening. That carried on till nearly mid-night.
Then, since around 1.30 pm today, that hall has been 'hosting' another noisy function and despite having rung the wireless number (which costs me everytime I call), umpteen numbers of times and being told by the officer answering that he was sending somebody out, nothing was done about it. One wonders if these people crawl, walk or drive to where they are wanted! And these people have the temerity to tell me that I'm their 'employer'. Technically, all Kenyans are, but, they don't get equal 'service', unfortunately.
I'd also, first, tried calling the OCS (see below), but, when she answered, she said that she was in a meeting and hung up!
As far as this neighbourhood is concerned the cops are definitely aiding and abetting noise making. I wonder if this problem like all the others that I keep writing about will ever get solved......, in my lifetime?
Do the people concerned, starting with the NEMA, GoK, the police, etc., ever think of the effect that incessant noise of any kind has on the human psyche? If, they do, what are they doing about this type of pollution? Is it any wonder that we have a country mostly full of nincompoops who hear no evil, supposedly see no evil and then do absolutely NOTHING about anything?!
We in this neighbourhood (see below), have been inundated by noise since last evening. That carried on till nearly mid-night.
Then, since around 1.30 pm today, that hall has been 'hosting' another noisy function and despite having rung the wireless number (which costs me everytime I call), umpteen numbers of times and being told by the officer answering that he was sending somebody out, nothing was done about it. One wonders if these people crawl, walk or drive to where they are wanted! And these people have the temerity to tell me that I'm their 'employer'. Technically, all Kenyans are, but, they don't get equal 'service', unfortunately.
I'd also, first, tried calling the OCS (see below), but, when she answered, she said that she was in a meeting and hung up!
As far as this neighbourhood is concerned the cops are definitely aiding and abetting noise making. I wonder if this problem like all the others that I keep writing about will ever get solved......, in my lifetime?
CC - PPO, Provincial Police HQ, Msa
999 "
OCPD, Urban Police HQ, Msa
OCS, Central Police Stn., Msa
Noisy weddings, revisited...
It seems to me that our police are more aiding and abetting noisy gatherings than enforcing the law, regarding them. They would only do this if it was an exclusive residential area like Karen or Nyali, while the rest can go jump in the lake or any sizable body of water like the Indian Ocean where the Coast Province is concerned!
Last night, there was yet another noisy function (most likely a wedding), taking place at the contentious MWA Hall which, unfortunately, in smack in the middle of a residential area and right next to one Hospital (Aga Khan) and within hearing distance of another, Pandya.
Ironically, when I rang the OCS of Central Police Stn., Mombasa, whose mobile number I happen to have, she answered the first time and promptly told me that, yes, she could even hear them as she was just near there (I figured, she was on patrol or something). That she would tell them to reduce the racket.
When, after nearly half an hour, no reduction in decibels had occurred, I called her, again, but, there was no reply. After a little while I did so, yet again, and this time she answered and what she told me really amazed me. I was told that she was the MC at this function and that she'd already told them to reduce the noise (which was not noticeable to me), and when I informed her of this fact, she told me to call 999 as she was MCing at this function!
She and most others know very well that our 999 numbers don't work (I told her this, but, there was no other suggestion forthcoming), and even if they did and if they bothered to take action, would it be effective once they (the patrolling cops), found out that officiating the function was none other than an OCS?
And have these organizers of these functions with the 'help' of the cops, started dictating to the neighbourhood which also includes the seriously sick at the hospitals, when they should sleep? Isn't this a gross violation of human rights? If these people want to hold noisy functions, shouldn't they be forced to hold them out of residential areas? It's like living near a night club, especially during weekends starting on Friday nights!
I'm dreading what else will keep me awake most of the night, tonight and tomorrow night, too..... We do not get any rest!
CC - PPO, Provincial Police HQ, Msa
999 "
OCPD, Urban Police HQ, Msa
OCS, Central Police Stn., Msa
Last night, there was yet another noisy function (most likely a wedding), taking place at the contentious MWA Hall which, unfortunately, in smack in the middle of a residential area and right next to one Hospital (Aga Khan) and within hearing distance of another, Pandya.
Ironically, when I rang the OCS of Central Police Stn., Mombasa, whose mobile number I happen to have, she answered the first time and promptly told me that, yes, she could even hear them as she was just near there (I figured, she was on patrol or something). That she would tell them to reduce the racket.
When, after nearly half an hour, no reduction in decibels had occurred, I called her, again, but, there was no reply. After a little while I did so, yet again, and this time she answered and what she told me really amazed me. I was told that she was the MC at this function and that she'd already told them to reduce the noise (which was not noticeable to me), and when I informed her of this fact, she told me to call 999 as she was MCing at this function!
She and most others know very well that our 999 numbers don't work (I told her this, but, there was no other suggestion forthcoming), and even if they did and if they bothered to take action, would it be effective once they (the patrolling cops), found out that officiating the function was none other than an OCS?
And have these organizers of these functions with the 'help' of the cops, started dictating to the neighbourhood which also includes the seriously sick at the hospitals, when they should sleep? Isn't this a gross violation of human rights? If these people want to hold noisy functions, shouldn't they be forced to hold them out of residential areas? It's like living near a night club, especially during weekends starting on Friday nights!
I'm dreading what else will keep me awake most of the night, tonight and tomorrow night, too..... We do not get any rest!
CC - PPO, Provincial Police HQ, Msa
999 "
OCPD, Urban Police HQ, Msa
OCS, Central Police Stn., Msa
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The 160th reminder.... to the PERSON/S CONCERNED
I got the following response to my 159th reminder, last week....
Protecting & Indemnity Kenya Ltd. wrote on 26-Mar-08 2:52 PM:
Dear Raziya.
40 years ago the population of Mombasa was merely 240,000 people, and we had no problems with water supply. Now we have 2.4million people and the water supply from the recognised sources is NIL. The water Department is still charging some of us KSh.700.- per month for the dry taps we have been having over the last three months. I now have to pay Ksh3500/- for 12,000 litres of bore-hole water delivered to us per month. It is not exactly an enviable situation, it is waste of time and money. We have seen the incompetence of Moi's government, and then Kibaki's government, so what is Raila going to bring to us?
Kind regards.
_ _ _
To the above, I would like to add that this recipient is lucky enough to be able to afford this huge expense of 3,500/- every month, yet, it's hurting him when our many 'water bodies' especially the CWSB which is supposed to be dealing with the infrastructure of water availability to the MOWASCO, which in turn is responsible for selling us (the residents), the precious water. What of the poor?!
It is so strange, that we keep getting the usual amount of phantom water bills (read above). It is heartening to note that I am note the only person receiving these phantom bills.
I would really be very happy (I'm sure that many others would also join me in this rejoicing), if the CWSB would be immediately disbanded NEVER to return! They are the major cause of many of our Coastal water scarcity problems and instead of solving our them, they are just eating into much needed funds for improving the infrastructure. This, as far as I and many other residents are concerned, they are NOT doing!!!
Now, to inform the residents of the many woes that I've had to go through since 1995 regarding name change and the contentious sewage issue....
Since my father's demise at the end of 1995, I've been trying to transfer (I'd been living with my parents, all along), the flat, power, water, telephone, etc., to my name as I am the one paying the bills since. The flat and KPLC did not give me much problems nor did they charge for this necessary change when I filled in the forms, and availed them of my father's death certificate.
But, trying to do the same with the telephone and water was a different issue. It seems that they wanted to disconnect/terminate the current account (my father's), and bureaucratically, 'reconnect' under my name thereby charging me quite a hefty sum. Telling them that it was just a transfer/'inherited', situation, was a complete exercise in futility!
Therefore, all these YEARS (over 12 years, in fact), my late father's name is what has been appearing on my phantom water bills. But, mercifully, I tried to make the present MD, Mr. Chitavi, who, I've persistently found to possess much better sense than his predecessors, understood the logic of this whole set up and started the ball rolling late last year by asking me to bring copies of all the required documents. This I did, but, despite his employees being given them to make the necessary changes, nothing was done, till, early this week.
One has to keep 'bugging' them, to get anything done, unfortunately!
The same goes for the contentious sewage charge. This, I've not been paying since it was begun last year and have had to write and visit MOWASCO umpteen numbers of times before it was finally also dealt with early this week.
It was very interesting to find that the Council charges for sewage to some people despite them not being connected to a sewage line, like in my case. So, what does our money guzzling and unaccountable council do with this extra cash? And how many other people out there don't know all these details but are still paying this other 'phantom' charge? Therefore, all of you residents, please investigate before agreeing to pay this.
We've also spent another waterless week, in the meantime.....
Protecting & Indemnity Kenya Ltd. wrote on 26-Mar-08 2:52 PM:
Dear Raziya.
40 years ago the population of Mombasa was merely 240,000 people, and we had no problems with water supply. Now we have 2.4million people and the water supply from the recognised sources is NIL. The water Department is still charging some of us KSh.700.- per month for the dry taps we have been having over the last three months. I now have to pay Ksh3500/- for 12,000 litres of bore-hole water delivered to us per month. It is not exactly an enviable situation, it is waste of time and money. We have seen the incompetence of Moi's government, and then Kibaki's government, so what is Raila going to bring to us?
Kind regards.
_ _ _
To the above, I would like to add that this recipient is lucky enough to be able to afford this huge expense of 3,500/- every month, yet, it's hurting him when our many 'water bodies' especially the CWSB which is supposed to be dealing with the infrastructure of water availability to the MOWASCO, which in turn is responsible for selling us (the residents), the precious water. What of the poor?!
It is so strange, that we keep getting the usual amount of phantom water bills (read above). It is heartening to note that I am note the only person receiving these phantom bills.
I would really be very happy (I'm sure that many others would also join me in this rejoicing), if the CWSB would be immediately disbanded NEVER to return! They are the major cause of many of our Coastal water scarcity problems and instead of solving our them, they are just eating into much needed funds for improving the infrastructure. This, as far as I and many other residents are concerned, they are NOT doing!!!
Now, to inform the residents of the many woes that I've had to go through since 1995 regarding name change and the contentious sewage issue....
Since my father's demise at the end of 1995, I've been trying to transfer (I'd been living with my parents, all along), the flat, power, water, telephone, etc., to my name as I am the one paying the bills since. The flat and KPLC did not give me much problems nor did they charge for this necessary change when I filled in the forms, and availed them of my father's death certificate.
But, trying to do the same with the telephone and water was a different issue. It seems that they wanted to disconnect/terminate the current account (my father's), and bureaucratically, 'reconnect' under my name thereby charging me quite a hefty sum. Telling them that it was just a transfer/'inherited', situation, was a complete exercise in futility!
Therefore, all these YEARS (over 12 years, in fact), my late father's name is what has been appearing on my phantom water bills. But, mercifully, I tried to make the present MD, Mr. Chitavi, who, I've persistently found to possess much better sense than his predecessors, understood the logic of this whole set up and started the ball rolling late last year by asking me to bring copies of all the required documents. This I did, but, despite his employees being given them to make the necessary changes, nothing was done, till, early this week.
One has to keep 'bugging' them, to get anything done, unfortunately!
The same goes for the contentious sewage charge. This, I've not been paying since it was begun last year and have had to write and visit MOWASCO umpteen numbers of times before it was finally also dealt with early this week.
It was very interesting to find that the Council charges for sewage to some people despite them not being connected to a sewage line, like in my case. So, what does our money guzzling and unaccountable council do with this extra cash? And how many other people out there don't know all these details but are still paying this other 'phantom' charge? Therefore, all of you residents, please investigate before agreeing to pay this.
We've also spent another waterless week, in the meantime.....
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