Sunday, August 10, 2008

Religious and incessant other noise - the 32nd reminder - continuously surrounded by NOISE and harassment by neighbours!!!

Since Thursday night, as usual, there's been no let up in the noise emanating from MWA Hall.

The people who hire this hall have complete disregard for the residents in the area as well as the critically ill in the hospital next door. How selfish and lawless we have become?! And the cops who should know better, do nothing about all this noise when summoned.

Therefore, since Thursday night, we've had little sleep and rest in this neighbourhood and the noise still goes on in the form of religious noise.... even as I write, it has been going on since soon after 9.00 am.

Last night, too, there was some party going on at the hall which carried on and on, till way after 11.30 pm despite the cops going there to ask them to reduce the noise, these thuggish people, raised the volume immediately they were gone and also carried on way after the supposed specified time of 11.00 pm which is the 'allowed' time that whoever gives these permits seems to be under the impression, that we should go to sleep - not before. So, our bed-time is being dictated to us, young and old, sick or well, by these 'officials' who give out these questionable permits for nightclub like racket to go on in a residential area with two hospitals in the neighbourhood!

Then, early this morning, as usual, the mosque started it's prayer racket which is totally uncalled for since he's not leading the whole neighbourhood in prayer and it is therefore invalid for him to be heard outside. And now, as mentioned above since around 9.00 am this morning, the neighbourhood church/es, are making an awful racket. One gets the impression that this preacher is in extreme pain, the way he's moaning over the PA system!

And all this is so strange that these people who are going to these prayers, are some of the worst creatures in the country! For if they were really so God conscious would they immediately, that they come out of their various places of worship, harass others who have done them no harm or whom, they don't even know?

I'm talking about my many neighbours and their children, who profess to either follow Islam or Christianity. They persistently harass me by setting off my car alarm, keeping their jikos in such a way that all the smoke gets into my flat and making noise in general as well as dirtying the staircase.

It is so strange that on Friday, when I went down to drive to the mosque for prayers at about 11.30 am, I couldn't start the car due to the battery having gone flat thanks to these same neighbours and their children and workers who consistently keep setting off the alarm which runs the battery down. They were all standing around watching what I would do next and not one of them came to help, either. And I, like always, had to ring my mechanic up to come with jumper cables to help start the car. This took him over half an hour, during which time I was sitting in a hot car waiting and in the process nearly got late for prayers.

Are these people really God fearing? And ironically, the mosque in the neighbourhood started his loud recitation of the Holy Qur'an on the PA system. Do these people really know what our Holy Book says about neighbours and their treatment? I'm sure that they, like the so-called 'muslim' terrorists, seem to think they will go straight to heaven if they harass somebody who is different from them. Never mind that as far as I know, I've not done anything to them, but, they incessantly disturb me as much as they possibly, can.

Will officialdom ever take any positive action?

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