Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Religious and incessant other noise - the 28th reminder

I've just finished saying my own afternoon prayers, but, these were said with a lot of difficulty as is the case, everytime, I'm at home during the lunch hours. Also, while I was also praying, I was not disturbing ANYBODY with loud recitations. Therefore, I do not understand the two places - one, Christian which hires the MWA Hall every weekday at this time and the other my fellow Muslims in the mosque in the estate.

Both of these places and the people attending, don't have any need to be heard outside the confines of their respective buildings, but, they insist on conducting their prayers and singing at such volumes that they are invoking God's displeasure because they are disturbing others who are also (like me), trying to say their own prayers in their own way.

This continuous and incessant noises....., and they are noise for we cannot make out what they are saying even IF we wanted to listen to them which I and many others, don't! Add to this the fact that, the MWA Hall is right next to Aga Khan Hospital's ICU and therefore these 'worshipers' are most likely disturbing the critically ill, there, too.

Do these preachers and their followers really care about the effect they have on their surroundings? In the event they don't care, then, they are in the wrong 'job'! And if they do, then, why do they persist in disturbing the peace?

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