Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Re: Civilain harassment with Police protection.

Hi, Musa!

I've just read your disturbing account and it kind of confirms my earlier email re police harassment, doesn't it? In your case one wonders who the thugs really are. They seem to be aided and abetted by our police who should be impartial where investigations are concerned.

I wonder what the reaction of the cops would be, should this ex-reservist who still is in possession of his arms and why, if he suddenly one day decided to shoot someone? Would the people or person concerned really get justice? It raises more questions than answers, doesn't it?

Personally, I would suggest, that, the neighbours concerned should immediately see a lawyer with eye witnesses and written accounts. And the various 'workers' concerned be prevailed upon to speak the truth, too, and not be intimidated by this character.

If, this gets no justice, then, I fear for this country for it will prove that we not only have very few applicable laws, but, can get not justice, either! Is it any wonder that so many don't bother or take the law into their own hands out of sheer hopelessness?

Salaams & best wishes with prayers for yours and everybody else's safety in your neighbourhood,

Protecting & Indemnity Kenya Ltd. wrote:

Attention Razia.

Talking about brandishing guns, we have a mad man in our neighbourhood. A mad Asian gentleman who boast of having been an ex-Police Reservist, with a gun. He used his gun several time harassing our house boys and shamba boys in the neighbourhood. He even took the liberty to have one of the neighbour's shamba boy and his own shamba boy into Police custody on the trumped-up charges of the two being accomplices in the theft of his 40,000/- personal mobile phone. The two shamba boys did not know each other well, but they languished in police custody for three days before the neighbour's shamba boy was let out, not by paying the legal security bond or bail, but by paying the Asian 10,000/- in two instalments, as a recovery for his stolen mobile phone.

The Asian's shamba boy later admited to the fact that he did not steal the mobile phone, nor did her implicate the neighbour's shamba boy, when the mobile phone was finally found in the Asian's daughter's school bag. By this time, the Asian had already received the first payment of 5000/- and a written statement was signed by the raletive of a very ignorant neighbour's shamba boy, the balance to be paid at the end of the month.

What we were concerned with most, was the bandishing of the gun in the face of the neighbour's shamba boy, to force him to go to the Police station, at the time when he was innocent of the accusation. When this complaint was presented to the Police corporal, the Deputy OCS and the OCS himself, they did not apper to be very keen to investigate the matter, as their OB was opened with the statement from the Asian claiming theft of his 40,000/- mobile phone, which turned out to be hoax.

The Police were not interested in investigating the harassment of innocent civilians by brandishing a gun in their faces. The Asian reinstated his shamba boy.

We are well aware of the large number of guns in circulation in Kenya, and the gun culturer that is already with us, but the last thing we need is an agressive or mad neighbour on the loose with a gun. I wiil be interested to know what the law says about this, if there is any lawyer, somewhere, worth his salt to comment on this matter.

Concerned neighbour.

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