Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Hi, Shaileen!

We've all written (even with photographs), umpteen numbers of emails, etc., to all these people, yet, nothing is being done. The insolence of these so-called 'service' providers knows no bounds. Surprisingly, even our 'media', has overlooked this very 'hot' story. I wonder why....?

Is there some big shot involved in this?

And why is our Council, so fast in reacting to the residents' plan on moving those bins to a less offensive area, yet, drags it's corrupt and lazy feet in giving 'service'? I wish, such bins were outside a media house or a big shot's place. But, then, as the well worn adage goes, if wishes were horses......, the beggars would rule!

Our Council and it's minions who 'work' there, are not in those offices (if at all), for giving us, residents, services, but for their own selfish corrupt ends.

I'm beginning to give up on this town and country, for, nobody (who should be), is accountable for the job/s they are supposed to do. They are obsessed by money!!!! And doing as little as work as possible.


Shaileen N.P.N Shah wrote at 2:53 PM on 6th Jan '09:

Hello Mr.T.Otieno

The above on ArchBishop Makarious road is a HEALTH HAZARD! Many Ganjoni residents have complained to MMC,and remedial steps have failed to rectify this!

We appeal to you to remove the above ASAP!

We thank you in anticipation,
Mr.Shaileen NPN Shah,MRPharmS,
Ganjoni Resident and a MMC rates payer!

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