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Most of the postings are to do with what an average Kenyan citizen has to deal with, in the country, to survive. They go through and are treated with a lot of injustice, where very few in 'officialdom', will take notice of their problems or even do anything about them. Hence, this blog and the belief in, 'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshipers' - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
- Power Problems (151)
- Noise issues (100)
- Interesting Stuff (95)
- Water Matters (86)
- Our questionable Council (59)
- Islam - the TRUTH (48)
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- THIS is JUSTICE! (5)
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Tuesday, October 30, 2012
After a few days of respite...
Since my last email to our redoubtable 'Kenya Power' (weakness), there were a few days of respite from the unending and without explanation power outages/fluctuations but, since last week and specifically on the eve of our Eid, i.e. Thursday night, these have returned.
Now, one wonders if KP(LC), employees are like little children who have to be constantly reminded and threatened about their work and ethics. Because, like them (the children), one word of warning is NOT enough since they have short memories and soon forget and revert back to their disturbing ways.
The height of both outage and fluctuations began around 9.00 pm last night. First, there remained a low voltage (sollatek devices on red), for a few hours and then, the power went off altogether and didn't return till around 4.00 am this morning.
Of course, after the initial answer to my call all subsequent ones went unanswered or were deliberately cut. Why? Is it because they would find my questions difficult to answer?
Therefore, one would expect that these so-called 'professionals' would have had enough time to rectify whatever ailed our interrupted power supply but, no.
Just before 1.00 pm it went off yet again and as usual nobody was answering, either. Finally, their Regional Manager, Mr. Mkomba did and he told me that he would investigate and revert back to me, but still has not. In the meantime the power returned after an outage of over an hour!
Still no reason given for this latest one, either.
This so-called power company of ours should start being accountable to it's customers and stop treating them with impunity.
Sunday, October 28, 2012
I am thankful....
This is sooo good...
Benefits of different juices ----- healthy living
Very interesting and worth trying...
All of us want to live a healthy and happy life free from all diseases but very few of us make serious efforts in this direction.
A diet of raw food and juice can help us remain healthy. Juice diet, especially, can cure us of chronic diseases and keep our mind and body health.
Where medicines and injections fail to cure a disease, by the use of raw food, vegetables and fruit juices people can be relieved of ailments.
Fruit-juices do the work of purifying blood. They cast out the toxic elements accumulated in the cells of the body. Fruit juices increase the quantity of urine through which all toxic elements of the body are thrown out. Raw vegetables of their juices do the work of reconstruction in the body. Vegetable-juices produce new cells in place of those that have been destroyed owing to a disease.
So fruit juices and vegetable-juices are supplementary to each other. The best time for taking fruit-juices is the first half of the day.
Vegetable juices can be taken at any time of the day.
Fruits and vegetables should be washed, shred or cut before extracting their juice.
Rinds and fibres of fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins.
While extracting juice they should be properly crushed. However care should be taken that juice ready for drinking does not contain fibre ore rind.
It should not be gulped. It should be drunk slowly with a spoon by this process juice gets mixed with the saliva. Digestive juices, which the saliva contains, digest sugar contained in juice. Thus, the juice, which goes into the stomach, is then digested within 20 to 25 minutes.
When juices are consumed for purpose of health or cure of disease, do not add sugar, pepper, or salt for taste or liking. If you dislike the taste of the juice of one of the vegetables, you can add some lemon juice or any fruit juice to it.
Expert dieticians, say one should 'eat' juice instead of drinking it. Juices should not be swallowed hastily but taken slowly sip by sip, consumption of fruit juices in quantities has no ill effect. A partaker of juice-diet should drink minimum two or three litres of juice per day for improving and maintaining his health.
Juices of Ginger, Onions and green turmeric being highly concentrated and strong are restricted to not more than 20-25 ml per day.
A tablespoonful of garlic juice is sufficient for a day.
A person who decides to live solely on only juice-diet to get rid of certain chronic and dangerous disease should daily take 5 to 6 litres of juices of various fruits and vegetables.
After the cure of disease, there should be a gradual decrease in the quantity of juice diet and raw food should be included in the diet.
Cooked food can be taken once or twice a week especially for satisfying the palate.
If you want to keep the body and the mind ever healthy and active a combination of juice diet with raw or cooked food is desirable because it serves two-purpose health and satisfaction of the palate.
Apple juice gives relief in the weakness of the nervous system. kidney-stone acidity, indigestion.
The slight acid content of the apple also exerts an antiseptic influence upon the germs present in the mouth and teeth. When it is taken by chewing sufficiently it may be looked upon as a natural protector of the teeth and hence should be taken in all tooth troubles.
"A glass of bitter gourd juice taken on any empty stomach is a sure beneficial remedy for jaundice".
They are excellent as an appetiser and cure for cough, windiness, blood impurity fever, worms, bile anaemia and leucoderma. It relieves the burning in the kidneys. It dissolves kidney stone.
Kindles gastric fire, good for the heart. To some extent it produces windiness. It is useful in cough. It's useful only when taken in juice form. Cabbage contains a new vitamin, which cures gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Carrots eaten by chewing strengthen the teeth. Grated carrots mixed with salt have beneficial efforts on eczema. Carrots are an excellent food for maintaining health of the eyes. Carrot juice eliminated unwanted uric acid from the blood and is, therefore very helpful for out patients. It is regarded as a remedy for gallstone troubles, liver diseases, tuberculosis and scanty menstruation.
Cucumber juice is a valuable part of the treatment of theumatic conditions. Cucumber is an excellent remedy for uric troubles. Those who suffer from diabetes and those who want to lose weight should make a liberal use of cucumber.
Amla juice for two to three months is helpful in conditions of sterility and semen weakness.
It is useful in diabetes many say the juice of french beans stimulates the production of insulin when taken with cabbage juice.
Garlic is a powerful antiseptic. Garlic is a sure remedy in the cases of windiness, cures paralysis, stiffness of the whole body. Garlic has properties to reduce high blood pressure, gives relief to the heart.
The use of ginger juice before meals eliminates gas, it dislodges cough, and it corrects cardiac disorders. A few drops of ginger juice poured into the nose gives sure relief in headache. Toothache will be relieved if a piece of ginger is rubbed on the ailing tooth. Ginger also gives relief in cattarh and sinusitis.
Grapes are very good for relieving constipation. They give relief in piles. Taking grape juice for a few days removes undesirable heat from the body as the blood is cleansed and cooled.
Guava is palatable, astringent and sweet. It promotes semen. It is beneficial in constipation, destroys intestinal worms.
Lemon juice is a powerful anti-bacterial. The bacteria of malaria, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid and other deadly diseases are destroyed by taking lemon juice.
The body is well cleansed if lemon juice mixed with cold water and honey is taken on an empty stomach early in morning. Warm water may be used occasionally to get relieved of constipation.
Lemon juice gives good relief in fever lemon acts as a sedative for the nerves. and the heart.
Lemon is especially appreciated for its Vitamin 'C'. Vitamin 'C' in lemon strengthens the blood vessels and prevents internal hemorrhage. It is therefore, extremely useful in high blood pressure.
It prevents vomiting and helps to cure hepatitis and other innumerable diseases.
Melon is either muskmelon or watermelon. Both Melons are cool and diuretic. It quenches thirst, has a cooling property, and soothes burning sensation in the stomach. It also has a properly for curing constipation. Since melon Juice can promote cough, one who suffers from asthma and cold should use it discreetly.
One who takes white onions with ghee regularly rarely falls ill. In virile disorders, one should take onion juice with honey daily in the morning for two to three weeks. This will increase one's virlity. The onion dislodges mucous, is also beneficial in intestinal disorders. The juice of the onion together with sugar is a capital remedy for bleeding piles.
The white membrane, which surrounds the sections of the orange, is an excellent source of calcium. As orange juice contains less acid than lemon juice, it is regarded as superior to the latter. Those who suffer from cold should add some warm water to orange juice. Oranges are useful in asthma and other bronchial troubles. During fever, orange juice greatly helps by supplying necessary nutrition to the patient. Orange juice gives relief to pregnant women who suffer from nausea.
It increases virility. It is beneficial to the heart. It is beneficial to the liver. It helps to check spleen enlargement. It is a good medicine for constipation and urinary disorders. It helps to secure proper menstrual flow.
The pineapple destroys intestinal worms and soothes bile. It is delicious and digestive. It expels gas.
The Tomato is rich in vitamin 'A' it is a very good food for diabetic patients and for those who want to reduce their body weight.
Tomato juice cleanses the stomach and intestines it is also useful in Kidney disorders. It removes indigestion, gas and constipation. As the iron of the Tomato is easily digestible, it is completely absorbed in the body. Hence tomato juice is very important for anemic patients.
The iron content of fresh green leafy vegetables gives relief in anaemia and weakness. Green leafy vegetables are rich in mineral which reduce acidity of the stomach and the body.
Those who suffer from peptic or duodenal ulcer should not eat leafy vegetables. Those who suffer from diarrhea or dysentery should restrict the consumption of leafy vegetables. Spinach should be avoided by those who suffer from kidney stone.
Coriander is fragrant, appetising, digestive, cool, and good for vision, antibilious and agreeable to the heart. Drinking its juice has special advantages. Coriander contains Vitamin 'A' it is beneficial to the eyes. Coriander-juice is very effective in anaemia.
Tulsi is bitter, pungent, warm fragrant, light, appetizing and dry in nature. It cures gas trouble, cough, swelling, intestinal worms, vomitting, skin diseases and kidney disorders. It is good for the heart and eyes. It expels intestinal worms.
Spinach is pungent, sweet, digestible, cool and dry. It is a mild laxative. It eliminates cough. Asthma and toxic elements.
As the iron of spinach is easy for digestion, it is used as a food medicine in anaemia.
Mint is palatable, heavy lubricous, warm, appetising, and good for the heart. It is useful in cough, dyspepsia, dysentery, gastroenteritis and diarrhoea. A mixture of two teaspoonfuls of mint juice, one teaspoonful of lemon juice and two teaspoons of honey is a powerful medicine for abdominal troubles.
Fenugreek leafy vegetable is pungent, bitter, and warm, it promotes bile. It is good for the heart. It expels gas. Two spoonfuls of fenugreek juice removes indigestion. It gives relief in piles.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Hajj: The Best Symbol for Our Universal Brotherhood!
Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Recruiting the four Horsemen of Neo-atheism into Cavalry of Islam

'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshipers': Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Islam!

'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshipers': Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Monday, October 22, 2012
English translation of Barahin-e-Ahmadiyya

'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshipers': Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
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