Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Religious and incessant other noise - the 25th reminder

It would seem that while of late, the neighbourhood mosque had reduced it's noise considerably, since the beginning of this week, somebody new is leading prayers who is progressively getting louder by the day!

How many times do these people have to keep being told over and over again to reduce their racket? It's like talking to little children! Every morning while I am saying my prayers, too, I am again being disturbed by this Imam's leading of prayers. This has no justification as he's only leading the people inside the mosque, not the ones outside and this wouldn't be valid even if some of us wanted to follow him.

Then, while I have finished my prayers and then want to recite the Holy Qur'an, I can't, as his loud leading of prayers interferes with what I want to recite. Why do these people behave in this insane manner? Islam definitely does not subscribe to disturbing others and especially when their own prayers are being interfered with.

Next, comes that daily lunch time meetings of the Christians and their loud and lamenting prayers, if beating of drums, feet and other music with singing is considered praying. I thought that praying was a dignified action. Instead, these people sound more like a disco going on! And who allows these people to make noise in a residential area with a hospital right next door and another not too far away?

These practices smack of no town planning applied anywhere by our questionable council. Are they even aware of these pests? And if they are, what are they doing about it? After all Council employees stay in this estate and they must be having to put up with these incessant noises of different varieties every single day at different times. Don't they care?

Again, I would bring all this to the attention of our no nonsense Minister for Environment, Mr. John Michuki to deal with.

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