Since before 8.00 am this morning the various (4 of them), churches in our neighbourhood started their noise. And while 3 have considerably reduced their racket, the same cannot be said about the smallest of them. This one is right next to Aga Khan Hospital and I pity the patients admitted there for the administration of this hospital seems to care little about it's seriously ill stuck there. Yes, I use the word stuck, for I would personally HATE to be a patient there, especially in the ICU which happens to be right next to this contentious church which the MWA Hall has allowed to be built within it's grounds.
After all, with the committee which runs it's affairs and which allows loud functions to be held in it's hall, it's no wonder that an equally loud, though, small church, has been allowed to be built on it's grounds! Why should they care? As long as all of these people get the money for the various activities. This, of course, also includes the hospital for they seem to care less for the conditions of their patients and as long as they get the money, they too, do not seem to care.
I say this, for a few years ago, after getting consistently disturbed by the various rackets in our neighbourhood, I went to see a Mr. Juma, their human resources manager, who admitted that their patients do and did complain about this variety of rackets going on, next door. But, was very averse to doing anything about this by joining hands to deal with it. And so, the noise continues unabated.
I cannot understand the use of a public address system by this 'church', considering it is as small as the neighbourhood mosque. This pastor makes such an unbelievable racket scolding his congregation at intervals and sounds, at times, like the whole bunch of them are in extreme pain and are collectively moaning!
I wouldn't be surprised if God has afflicted them with much pain of various kinds for their disturbing the whole neighbourhood for hours on end which also includes the helplessly sick next door in the hospital. If they don't mend their ways, I believe, he and his congregation are in for a very hard time due to all who get disturbed, collectively cursing them. For they disturb others when they try to pray, too. Or is he trying to impose his offensive noise on others whether they like it or not?
Then, every single working day, he also hires the MWA Hall where, they again start their noise, from around 12.15 pm - 12.30 pm till at least, 2.00 pm and sometimes gets carried away even after this time!
As I've mentioned this in a previous reminder - either MWA Hall, these churches and the mosques, get rid of their p.a. systems, sound-proof their premises or move away from residential areas and they should be compelled to do this by the noise pollution law passed by NEMA in 2005!
Freedom of worship does not include the making of noise while worshiping for God is NOT deaf, Astaghfirullah!
Our Town Planners at the Council, seem not be doing their planning work and are also part of the problem as they allow such offensiveness to be built without consideration to the neighbourhoods.
For how long does one have to wait to get some peace and quiet in this lawless country of ours?

Most of the postings are to do with what an average Kenyan citizen has to deal with, in the country, to survive. They go through and are treated with a lot of injustice, where very few in 'officialdom', will take notice of their problems or even do anything about them. Hence, this blog and the belief in, 'One learned man is harder on the devil than a thousand ignorant worshipers' - Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
- Power Problems (151)
- Noise issues (100)
- Interesting Stuff (95)
- Water Matters (86)
- Our questionable Council (59)
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- Islam and the Equality of MAN (13)
- Kenyan Police (13)
- Kenyan Politics...and Politicians (13)
- Hospitals and Medicines (12)
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- Religious Freedom (9)
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- Disability Issues... (7)
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- Our questionable County (7)
- Health in your hands.. (6)
- Islamic Banking - a system based on JUSTICE... (6)
- Our so-called e-govt. (5)
- Rights of Women (5)
- THIS is JUSTICE! (5)
- The Holy Qur'an (4)
- Creativity Unlimited.... (3)
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