Tuesday, December 26, 2023

[25/12, 20:40] Anon: "Lest we forget!* Today, in Rememberance of 350,000 Bosnian Muslims!

[25/12, 20:40] Anon: "Lest we forget!*

Today, in Rememberance of 350,000 Bosnian Muslims!

Death didn't come easy .

The Genocide by the Christian Serbs against the Muslims of Bosnia.

📌 Approximately 100,000 Muslims were martyred.

📌 60,000 women and girls were raped.

📌 One and a half million people were abandoned.

 Do we remember it❓

 Or have we forgotten it❓

 Or are we totally ignorant about it❓

🖌Christiana Amanpour of CNN spoke about the memory of the Bosnian massacres, and asks:
Does history repeat itself?

✏She comments on the memory of Bosnia:
It was a Medieval war of killing, blockade and starvation of Muslims, and Europe refused to intervene saying that it was a civil war. . .
That was myth.

⛓The Holocaust lasted for about 4 years, during which the Serbs demolished more than 800 mosques, some of which were built in the 16th century.
They burned the Sarajevo Historical Library.

🖊The United Nations interfered and placed two gates at the entrances of Muslim's cities such as Goraga, Srebrenica, Zepa.
But they were under siege and fire and their protection did nothing.

🔗The Serbs put thousands of Muslims in detention camps, tortured them, and starved them, until they became skeletons!

📍When a Serb commander was asked: Why? He said,
Because they don't eat pork!

✏ The Guardian published The days of the Bosnian Massacres, a full-page map showing the locations of the rape camps of Muslim women,
17 huge camps, some within Serbia itself.

🔸The Serbs raped children. A 4-year-old girl, blood running between her legs.
The Guardian published a report on it entitled:
The child whose guilt is  being a Muslim.

📌Butcher Mladic invited the Leader of the Muslims in Zepa to a meeting. He gave him a cigarette, laughed with him a little, then swooped on him and slaughtered him.

🔶The  most famous crime was the siege of Srebrenica, the international soldiers (crusaders) were together with the Serbs, dancing, and some bargained for Muslim woman regarding their chastity, in exchange for a bite of food.

📌The Serbs had besieged Srebrenica for two years during which the shelling didn't stop for a moment.
The Serbs were also taking a large part of the aid meant to go to the Muslim towns.

🔗Then the West decided to hand it over to the wolves. The Dutch battalion protecting Srebrenica conspired with the Serbs. They pressed Muslims to surrender their weapons in exchange for safety.
The Muslims bowed after being tortured and punished.

🔹After having given False Guarantees, the Serbs swooped on Srebrenica.

They isolated the males from their females,
They gathered 12,000 males (Boys and men) and massacred them in different forms:
One Serb stood on a Muslim man, and he dug on his face the image of the Orthodox Cross....
(From a Newsweek or Time magazine report).

🖍As for the women, they were assaulted regarding their honor and some of them were burned ... others were left in the open heat to die slowly.

💢The slaughter continued for days in Srebrenica. Its fall was in late July 1995

📌 A mother was holding the hand of a Serbian man saying .. "Please do not slaughter my son", so he cut her hand and then placed his cut off head in front of her eyes!

🩸The massacre was taking place while the rest of the World could see, hear, eat, have fun and play ..

📌After the slaughter of Srebrenica ... Butcher Radovan Karagic entered the city, and openly declared: Srebrenica was always Serbian and has now returned to the hands of the Serbs.

💢The Serbs were raping the Muslim women, and they were holding them for 9 months until they gave birth.
A Serbian told a Western newspaper We want Muslim women to give birth to Serb babies

✏We remember Bosnia, Sarajevo, Banja Luka and Srebrenica.
✏We will mention it and bring it back
✏We will not forget the Balkans.
✏We will never forget Granada.
✏We will not forget Palestine.

🖌On the memory of 20 years since the crime of Europe and Serbia in Bosnia we say:

📌We will not forget,
📌we will not forgive,
📌We will never believe in
Slogans of Tolerance, Coexistence and Human rights.

📝Here we must record with ink of shame ... the positions of the Orthodox Boutros Boutros-Ghali, who was at that time the Secretary General of the United Nations,
He sided blatantly with his Serb brothers.

🖌But unfortunately, after 20 years, we did not learn any lesson.

🖍 The Serbs were singling out Religious Scholars, Masjid Imams, Intellectuals and businessmen for killing. They tied them, then slaughtered them, and threw them in the river!

📌When the Serbs entered a town, they started with demolishing its Masjids.
One of the Muslims says:
If the Serbs demolished the town's Masjid, we would have nothing to do but flee from it, the Masjids represented everything!

🖌 A British newspaper described the genocide of Muslims in Bosnia in this phrase:

War of the twentieth century waged in the style of the middle centuries!

Please share this post,
let us not forget our history and let us remind the future generations.


حسبنا الله ونعم الوكي

Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Excuse Me, But Israel Has No Right To Exist


Sharmine Narwani - The Sandbox

The phrase “right to exist” entered my consciousness in the 1990s just as the concept of the two-state solution became part of our collective lexicon. In any debate at university, when a Zionist was out of arguments, those three magic words were invoked to shut down the conversation with an outraged, “are you saying Israel doesn’t have the right to exist??”

Of course you couldn’t challenge Israel’s right to exist – that was like saying you were negating a fundamental Jewish right to have…rights, with all manner of Holocaust guilt thrown in for effect.

Except of course the Holocaust is not my fault – or that of Palestinians. The cold-blooded program of ethnically cleansing Europe of its Jewish population has been so callously and opportunistically utilized to justify the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian Arab nation, that it leaves me utterly unmoved. I have even caught myself – shock – rolling my eyes when I hear Holocaust and Israel in the same sentence.

What moves me instead in this post-two-state era, is the sheer audacity of Israel even existing.

What a fantastical idea, this notion that a bunch of rank outsiders from another continent could appropriate an existing, populated nation for themselves – and convince the “global community” that it was the moral thing to do. I’d laugh at the chutzpah if this wasn’t so serious.

Even more brazen is the mass ethnic cleansing of the indigenous Palestinian population by persecuted Jews, newly arrived from their own experience of being ethnically cleansed.

But what is truly frightening is the psychological manipulation of the masses into believing that Palestinians are somehow dangerous – “terrorists” intent on “driving Jews into the sea.” As someone who makes a living through words, I find the use of language in creating perceptions to be intriguing. This practice – often termed “public diplomacy” has become an essential tool in the world of geopolitics. Words, after all, are the building blocks of our psychology.

Take, for example, the way we have come to view the Palestinian-Israeli “dispute” and any resolution of this enduring conflict. And here I borrow liberally from a previous article of mine…

The United States and Israel have created the global discourse on this issue, setting stringent parameters that grow increasingly narrow regarding the content and direction of this debate. Anything discussed outside the set parameters has, until recently, widely been viewed as unrealistic, unproductive and even subversive.

Participation in the debate is limited only to those who prescribe to its main tenets: the acceptance of Israel, its regional hegemony and its qualitative military edge; acceptance of the shaky logic upon which the Jewish state’s claim to Palestine is based; and acceptance of the inclusion and exclusion of certain regional parties, movements and governments in any solution to the conflict.

Words like dove, hawk, militant, extremist, moderates, terrorists, Islamo-fascists, rejectionists, existential threat, holocaust-denier, mad mullah determine the participation of solution partners — and are capable of instantly excluding others.

Then there is the language that preserves “Israel’s Right To Exist” unquestioningly: anything that invokes the Holocaust, anti-Semitism and the myths about historic Jewish rights to the land bequeathed to them by the Almighty – as though God was in the real-estate business. This language seeks not only to ensure that a Jewish connection to Palestine remains unquestioned, but importantly, seeks to punish and marginalize those who tackle the legitimacy of this modern colonial-settler experiment.

But this group-think has led us nowhere. It has obfuscated, distracted, deflected, ducked, and diminished, and we are no closer to a satisfactory conclusion…because the premise is wrong.

There is no fixing this problem. This is the kind of crisis in which you cut your losses, realize the error of your ways and reverse course. Israel is the problem. It is the last modern-day colonial-settler experiment, conducted at a time when these projects were being unraveled globally.

There is no “Palestinian-Israeli conflict” – that suggests some sort of equality in power, suffering, and negotiable tangibles, and there is no symmetry whatsoever in this equation. Israel is the Occupier and Oppressor; Palestinians are the Occupied and Oppressed. What is there to negotiate? Israel holds all the chips. They can give back some land, property, rights, but even that is an absurdity – what about everything else? What about ALL the land, property and rights? Why do they get to keep anything – how is the appropriation of land and property prior to 1948 fundamentally different from the appropriation of land and property on this arbitrary 1967 date?

Why are the colonial-settlers prior to 1948 any different from those who colonized and settled after 1967?

Let me correct myself. Palestinians do hold one chip that Israel salivates over – the one big demand at the negotiating table that seems to hold up everything else. Israel craves recognition of its “right to exist.”

But you do exist – don’t you, Israel?

Israel fears “delegitimization” more than anything else. Behind the velvet curtain lies a state built on myths and narratives, protected only by a military behemoth, billions of dollars in US assistance and a lone UN Security Council veto. Nothing else stands between the state and its dismantlement. Without these three things, Israelis would not live in an entity that has come to be known as the “least safe place for Jews in the world.”

Strip away the spin and the gloss, and you quickly realize that Israel doesn’t even have the basics of a normal state. After 64 years, it doesn’t have borders. After six decades, it has never been more isolated. Over half a century later, and it needs a gargantuan military just to stop Palestinians from walking home.

Israel is a failed experiment. It is on life-support – pull those three plugs and it is a cadaver, living only in the minds of some seriously deluded foreigners who thought they could pull off the heist of the century.

The most important thing we can do as we hover on the horizon of One State is to shed the old language rapidly. None of it was real anyway – it was just the parlance of that particular “game.” Grow a new vocabulary of possibilities – the new state will be the dawn of humanity’s great reconciliation. Muslims, Christians and Jews living together in Palestine as they once did.

Naysayers can take a hike. Our patience is wearing thinner than the walls of the hovels that Palestinian refugees have called “home” for three generations in their purgatory camps.

These universally exploited refugees are entitled to the nice apartments – the ones that have pools downstairs and a grove of palm trees outside the lobby. Because the kind of compensation owed for this failed western experiment will never be enough.

And no, nobody hates Jews. That is the fallback argument screeched in our ears – the one “firewall” remaining to protect this Israeli Frankenstein. I don’t even care enough to insert the caveats that are supposed to prove I don’t hate Jews. It is not a provable point, and frankly, it is a straw man of an argument. If Jews who didn’t live through the Holocaust still feel the pain of it, then take that up with the Germans. Demand a sizeable plot of land in Germany – and good luck to you.

For anti-Semites salivating over an article that slams Israel, ply your trade elsewhere – you are part of the reason this problem exists.

Israelis who don’t want to share Palestine as equal citizens with the indigenous Palestinian population – the ones who don’t want to relinquish that which they demanded Palestinians relinquish 64 years ago – can take their second passports and go back home. Those remaining had better find a positive attitude – Palestinians have shown themselves to be a forgiving lot. The amount of carnage they have experienced at the hands of their oppressors – without proportional response – shows remarkable restraint and faith.

This is less the death of a Jewish state than it is the demise of the last remnants of modern-day colonialism. It is a rite of passage – we will get through it just fine. At this particular precipice in the 21st century, we are all, universally, Palestinian – undoing this wrong is a test of our collective humanity, and nobody has the right to sit this one out.

Israel has no right to exist. Break that mental barrier and just say it: “Israel has no right to exist.” Roll it around your tongue, tweet it, post it as your Facebook status update – do it before you think twice. Delegitimization is here – have no fear. Palestine will be less painful than Israel ever was.


Sharmine Narwani is a commentary writer and political analyst covering the Middle East.

Go to Original – al-akhbar.com

Thursday, June 1, 2023

Nothing is working...

Every month I go to the KP offices at Nyali Center when I do my shopping there. Last month due to health reasons I had to use Mpesa to buy my monthly token for my prepaid meter.

This month I went to the KP offices but like in March their system was not working. This is the 2nd month that it is not. Why?!

Are they working in cahoots with Safaricom to compel us to use mpesa? They charge us for buying the token from them. Is this some kind of monopoly?

Then, this morning when trying to buy via mpesa after putting all my details in I am being told that I should try later...

So, what should one do when one is urgently in need of a token?

What is wrong with Kenya Power?


Tuesday, April 11, 2023


Last night (10th April 2023), at 9.16 pm we had an outage of a few seconds.

Early this morning at 4.40 am, we had another one which lasted a couple of minutes.

The reason I am writing about this is because of promise when I started numbering these offensive outages and fluctuations that though this time these latest ones came after quite a few days, they did happen. Though, as far as we could figure out, there was nothing to cause the night outage while the early morning one today was amid a lot of thundering going on.

Does thunder cause outages? Lightening maybe, but thunder is just noise! Considering we will hopefully soon start our rainy season which this time is arriving with lots of thunder, I wonder what we will be put through by Kenya Power under the excuse of the weather...?!

Saturday, April 1, 2023


Yesterday morning we had an outage, though of a short duration, an outage, all the same.

This morning we had another one quite early, of the same duration. Again without rhyme or reason.

Also, since late last year, every time I go to buy my prepaid token at Kenya Power offices in Nyali, I have discovered that the number of units I get for the same amount that I buy every month I receive fewer and fewer units but am paying higher and higher TAXES for all kinds of things. WHY?!!!!  To the extent that our actual power bill costs less than the amount we pay in various taxes!!!

This brings me to the point that we Kenyans are being taxed, literally to death....this is DISGUSTING! What 'services', if any, are we receiving for all these taxes we pay? And we in fact end up paying taxes more than once for the same thing... Every 'service' we buy (we get NOTHING FREE), is taxed!!! Think about this and calculate... I am beginning to believe that we are soon (if not already), even be paying taxes for the air (of whatever quality) we breathe!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

FLUCTUATIONS AND OUTAGES - 16, 17, 18, 19,...

This morning while trying to watch the news at 10 am, the power fluctuated three times starting at 10.13 am, the next at 10.17 am, the third at 10.19 am and the 4th at 10.44 am!

As expected, the phones went unanswered as usual. Which means that these people who are supposed to be in-charge of making sure that we, the consumers get an uninterrupted supply had no idea what was happening and therefore could give no reason for these repeated fluctuations within minutes of each other...

It has been a novelty that since my last missive, we have not had either outages or fluctuations, Alhamdulillah!


Thursday, March 23, 2023


We had just over 24 hours of respite from Kenya Power's shoddy 'service', and at around 1.15 pm, the fluctuations started..

Nos, 13 and 14 were nearly together while the 15th was about an hour and a half later. What causes them? May we know, please?

They cause lots of damage to our appliances not to mention the tension they cause. Now that Ramadhan has begun, is this the kind of questionable 'service' we are going to be getting - erratic in the EXTREME!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023


Since just after midnight, we have already had three outages and fluctuations which brings my numbering to twelve and counting...

As I was about to start writing this, the power went off then came on a couple of minutes later, but it was low voltage where the regulators showed RED for quite a while. Tried calling but this time not only were the phones not being answered but a message showed me that the numbers I was dialing were not registered on the network....! How is this possible?

Also, the 11th one happened as is quite common of late - in the morning at just after 8.00 when people need power the most. This outage was of nearly 15 minutes and no one can enlighten us the reason for it. Was it because, since we live in a 'banana republic', due to the start of the rain?!

What is Kenya Power really up to? Doesn't it have responsible employees who can ethically and accountably work to provide service?

I am really beginning to believe that have 'jua kali' type personnel employed by Kenya Power.... What we would call 'matatu' mentality, also! A don't care attitude!

Sunday, March 19, 2023


Well, it seems that Kenya Power has no SHAME whatsoever plus is impervious to the needs of their customers and are practicing impunity, too.

At just before 3.00 pm, we suffered another total outage with no one answering their phones. It returned after about 5 minutes. But, what we would collectively like to know is what are the causes of these persistent outages and fluctuations? Maybe, if they told us, we might, just might sympathise with them....



After I wrote about the outage in the morning yesterday, we had three more in the course of the day and into the night!

The 4th happened after I got a message (SMS), from one of the engineers of Kenya Power informing me that there would be an outage of half an hour at about 4.00 pm (4). Well, it went and came back after about half an hour. This engineer seemed surprised that I was angry with Kenya Power because he was informing me about the outage. He could not understand why I was angry. For his information and the rest of this redoubtable 'power' company, we get mad because of persistent outages and fluctuation, and much as I appreciate his informing me, what about the rest of the users of electricity?! 

But, then we had another outage hardly 30 minutes later about which KP knew nothing and for once one of them answered the phone and his voice showed surprise at this (5), outage! This one lasted another half an hour!!!

Again, after about fifteen to twenty minutes, we suffered another massive fluctuation (6), where the power regulators switched all our devices. This 'normalized' after about 5 minutes and mercifully we had no other incidents the remainder of the night.

Unfortunately, this morning we had another outage (7), of several minutes around 7.45 am. Then, at about 10.25 am (8), we suffered another massive fluctuation and this is just the start of the day....

We fear to think of how many more our irresponsible and careless power company is going to make us go through in the course of today....

Saturday, March 18, 2023


First thing this morning at just before 8.30 am the power went off! It returned after about 5 minutes. We also don't know how many more fluctuations and outages we are going to go through in the course of the remainder of the day...

Again the question - why does this have to happen nearly EVERY SINGLE DAY?! 

This is already number 3 and it is not even a week since number 1.... As I said then, I am numbering the outages and frequency of them to give all my recipients including Kenya Power the seriousness of the problem.

Friday, March 17, 2023


 Just before Kenya Power switched off our power this morning, I got a message (SMS), from one of our engineers informing me that we would be having an outage of 30 minutes. This meant that my last email regarding Kenya Power's attitude seemed to have borne fruit, Alhamdulillah! But, this outage was not of half an hour - it returned after nearly 45 minutes.

Anyway, at around twenty to one (mid-day), there was a massive fluctuation where all our power regulators switched things off and was on red for some few minutes. Calling the engineers was a vain pursuit as usual though one of them being a Muslim would have the legitimate excuse of attending Friday Prayers. But, the other one could and should have picked the phone.

So, was the earlier outage the cause of the later fluctuation?

Monday, March 13, 2023


 Early on the morning of Saturday 11th March 2023, before 3.00 am, our power went. Tried to call Kenya Power's engineers to no avail. None of them was answering. After over an hour, one answered and was told it would take another hour to restore.

Unfortunately, this did not happen and when at 6.00 am we were still suffering in this awful heat, and I called, again no answer and when finally one of them, did, was told it would take another hour! Yet, a few minutes after hanging up, the power mercifully returned. So, why was this engineer lying to me? 

This is one of the reasons we don't have any confidence in these people and suspect that they don't work 24 hours as the long-suffering public is made to believe, but can only work during daylight hours. Kenya Power has lost its credibility with the public (consumers), whom they are supposed to serve because they do not keep its word and even lies to us. 

Forget about transparency, they are not even translucent but extremely OPAQUE!!!

Then, just after about 36 hours of the above outage of over 3 hours, we had another one of these outage/fluctuations yesterday (12th March 2023), late afternoon. Again, there was no response when called and while the power returned after a couple of minutes, these play havoc with our electrical devices, and the regulators they are attached to, start malfunctioning. Who will pay for this damage?

This missive has the number 1 in the title. Henceforth, I will start numbering these fluctuations/outages so that both the receiving public and Kenya power for their record will be able to tell how often this happens with their so-called services.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023


This morning we had at least 2 outages and fluctuations with a matter of 15 minutes. Why?

And as usual, no response to calls, either. Why?

Can Kenya Power PLEASE get its act together and work more efficiently to give us with a consistent supply of power where our electrical devices will not malefunction? Otherwise, the long suffering consumers might entertain the possibility of demanding compensation for damage/s for their AWFUL 'SERVICES'...!

Considering the hefty bills we have to foot every month, it is high time we, consumers, demanded and equally responsible and accountable service in return.

Monday, March 6, 2023


 On Saturday, 4th March 2023, once again nearly the WHOLE COUNTRY lost power! Most of us do not know the reason why, but we have noticed that since late last year that there have been too many of these national outages. Why? Are we in a war 'mode' or suffering from some natural catastrophe which is usually the reason when nations suffer from such incidences?

Kenya Power, which has proved itself to be a very insolent outfit of late which takes its customers for granted due to it being the ONLY one that supplies us with this commodity, does not deem it fit to either answer our frantic calls and/or give an explanation and apology for the outage. 

On that fateful Saturday, we were forced to 'time' travel to a time before Mankind discovered electricity and put it to use for itself and developed further... In the sweltering heat and humidity of the coast, we had to suffer for over 4 HOURS without knowing when we would be put out of our misery.

None of the local engineers were answering their phones initially and when one of them finally, did, he could not give any specific time scale WHEN it would be back! When cornered, he told me 3 to 4 hours, but when the 3 hours were up and I called him again I  was told that it would take another 3 hours!!!!

Then, today the power went off, yet again in the morning and KP  wouldn't answer their phones. When this happens, we are left wondering what caused the outage, if it is country-wide, again, and how long it will last for... All of this is extremely frustrating for those of us who rely a lot on power. 

What is the matter with our monopolistic and EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE power company? They are becoming more and more insolent by the day...

Monday, February 13, 2023


Why does Kenya Power even entertain increasing its tariffs when it CANNOT provide a reliable service? The problem with our highly monopolistic power company is that they love the money with the least amount of work! 

They DO NOT care that while they are increasing their tariffs, their 'service' heads in the opposite direction which causes its customers a HUGE loss for their constant fluctuations and outages - at times more than 3 in a day e.g. yesterday - result in our electrical appliances to 'die' on us and we, its customers end up with added losses and damage and we have to pay our hard-earned money to for fixing these AND pay their hefty bills. This is akin to adding salt to a festering wound and for the information of those who have not studied their power bills; what we actually pay for their 'dirty' power consumption, ironically, is less than the umpteen taxes that are listed in that bill.

Now, can our redoubtable power company please explain to us why they keep increasing their tariffs while their so-called services go in the opposite direction without a thought to the effect it has on its consumers and their many electrical appliances and any sense of responsibility for the damage caused? 

Monday, January 23, 2023


Since the last nationwide outage that Kenya Power put us through, we, in Nyali have been suffering from almost daily outages and/or fluctuations.

When the power goes off, we never know how long this outage will be for as well as when we try to call them, there is no response.

Kenya Power is one of the most monopolistic outfits imaginable as they have no sense of responsibility or remorse for their nationwide customers whom they treat with utter disrespect!

They are also irresponsible since they will not be held accountable for any of our electrical devices that 'die' thanks to their erratic power supply.

When cornered into giving a response, they will give none and will try and get out of giving us a reason for the numerous outages. This makes us, their clients, to speculate which leads to the rampant corruption that our country suffers from.... Because a 'straight' company would not be as opaque as KP is. They are anything but transparent!

Can KP give us an answer, please?