Sunday, October 22, 2017

Kenya Power is taking its customers for granted...

Since the 16th of October, we, in Nyali have been having more than our 'fair' share of fluctuations and outages. 

One would think that we are going back in time to when Nyali residents were suffering from these issues on a daily basis umpteen times a day!!!

And after our so-called scheduled 'maintenance outage' on the 18th of October, things have gone even worse for want of a better word. In fact, intolerable. When we call these employees of  Kenya Power, and IF we can get through, the one standard reply we get is to observe patience and that is IT!

Unfortunately, we are very fed up of this reply not just from this service company, but it is used by ALL the so-called service providers to cover up their inefficiency and incompetence. What do these people think we are? That's when they give us such a blanket statement, we will be satisfied? 

As I write this, we've lost power, yet again!

We have been losing power every single day  for  HOURS on end!

We are now without power again and NOBODY from this awful company is picking their phones, either...., including their superiors!

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